November 18th 2021

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'It was Zainab, it had to be her, do you know how much she hates me?' I whisper-shout at Haleemah.

She stares at me guiltily and says nothing. She finally speaks 'I don't even know why you don't want to tell anyone and get the justice you deserve, put awareness about John and his cohort into the world'

She was still on this case, it felt like a dirty little secret of mine, I wanted to do stuff with him and when I couldn't handle it, I lost it.

'What is going on in that big head of yours?' she asks staring at me.

'I'm not strong like you Haleemah, I smile now like it doesn't hurt me, but it eats away at the very fiber of my being and I want nothing more than them to be punished'

There were tears at the brim of my eyes, Haleemah cleans it with a serviette.

'In your own time my dear' she says cuddling me.

'You really need to talk to your mum'

I sigh.

I really didn't feel like it, I blacklisted her number and didn't feel any remorse. My mum was toxic, she'd nagged my dad to an anxiety riddled state and was shocked when he found solace in the arms of another woman.


The principal had gathered us in the school hall for an assembly, I knew what it was about.


The principal walked up to the podium, she was a tall, Indian woman with long black hair and glasses.

She clears her throat and begins; 'Some rumors have been circulating about a student of our prestigious school partaking in a criminal offense, and I'm here to squash those claims. John Nwadike is a reputable and renowned student and he isn't such to take part in cordial activities like that'

If only she knew.

She went on to praise and mention several of John's achievements, and I wondered how much John's dad had payed her.

'Omo dey don bribe this one finish' a guy at the front of me whispers to someone beside him.

I'm broken out of my reverie.

'But if any form of sexual harassment happens in my school, the consequences will be horrendous. Any questions?' she asks.

A fair hand goes up, 'Go ahead' the principal urges and a microphone is handed to the person.

'Dear students and teachers if John Nwadike is such a renowned student can you please tell me why on November 18th 2021, he and his best friend pinned me down and forced me to engage in sexual activities with them?'

People start to murmur and whisper.

'Who is that?'



School was canceled for the rest of the day, John and Sarah's parents were asked to immediately come to school. I mope around with Malik aimlessly.

We eat ice cream and Jist, I get to know him even more and the boy was all bark and no bite, in summary Malik was a huge teddy bear.

He asks about Haleemah and my former school.

'I can't believe she did that' he exclaims finally bringing up Sarah's huge display.

'I believe her, to be honest'

'Believe ke, that girl is psychotic, she's a pathological liar. I know her better than you do, why do you think her and Tomi broke up?'

'I believe all victims until they are proven otherwise' I say.

He sighs, 'I don't believe her tho, I can't, she's an attention seeker'

I scowl.

I wasn't fond of Sarah, but I was a feminist of some sort.

Feminist that blames herself for being raped.

I sigh.

'Maybe he did, because it didn't seem like it was his first time, he was so indifferent about it'

'I mean they did date in SS1' Malik says clearing his throat.

'Let's change the subject' I quip

It was almost heartbreaking to hear that someone else had gone through the same hurdles that I was peddled with.

'Howfar you and Adrian' Malik gushes.

I roll my eyes, nothing was going on between us, I only had eyes for one tall, light-brown eyed boy.


'Nothing is going on between us'

He looks me deep in my eyes, 'You still have feelings for Tomi' he concluded.

The witch boy.

'Obviously' I sigh.

'Is it just a feeling down there?', he asks wiggling his eye brows, I slap his head and he laughs 'Or, up there?' he gestures towards my chest

'The feelings are serious and I need to get over it, I want to move on, he's clearly not into me like that, he likes Sarah'

'He doesn't'

'He does' I argue.

'Look I know I've been against you both dating but it's a thing guys do as a joke, if you hear the way he talks about you ehn? It's very disgurstinggg'

I shove him.

Tomisan spoke about me to Malik and his friends!!

'It doesn't mean anything, I talk about you to people and we're just friends' I sigh.

'The stuff he says isn't what friends think about other friends' he says shoving me.

We giggle together.

The bell rings, it was closing time, which meant another assembly.

There was murmuring everywhere, John was beside the principal who stood at the podium, he looked perplexed, it served the bastard right.

The principal clears her throat, 'May I have everyone's attention please?' she starts.

'Mr John Nwadike is here to defend himself on the allegations made against him'

John steps to the podium, 'My name is John Nwadike'

Ehen, we didn't know.

'And I'm here to say that all the rumors that were spread about me committing such an atrocious act, are false. Any one who commits such an abominable crime of taking away someone's right to consent is a terrible person, evil even. Thank you'

Wasn't that ironic, the boy was a fucking sociopath.

Malik nudges me, 'Say something' he urges, 'It's time to expose him'

I'm glued to the spot. My heart is in my mouth.

'Mrs Williams do you have anything to say?' she asks referring to Sarah.

The feedback of the microphone made me feel woozy.

'John is a liar, a stupid one, do not believe anything that comes out of his mouth, the boy is sick in the head!' she screams.

The whispers are getting louder, I start to feel dizzy.

The corners of my eyes turn black and my head feels wooly.

I hear a thud, it was of me hitting the ground.

'Someone help' was the last thing I hear.

A/N: Omo, I have no idea when next y'all will see me, just Biko help me and manage this one. So I've decided to start making my chapters a bit longer, they usually border between 500-800 words and I'd like to change that. Also late Eid Mubarak. Enjoy 😊❤️.

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