Chapter 7- Questions and Answers

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Alfred said, "Listen to us, we know someone who knows why you went to the darkness as a child." Chrom nodded.

"What does have to do with anything?" Link asked.

Chrom sighed, "I have a reason why I went into the darkness. Yet I don't know why."

"Hello!" Pixie dust said. Chrom recognized the pixie dust.

Chrom asked, "Do you know why I went to the darkness when I was younger?"

"You were called there, that darkness. It didn't consume you," The pixie dust said.

Chrom asked, "Why did it do it now?"

"Because it realizes how much you've changed. Trying to bring you back to your original self," The pixie dust explained.

Chrom asked, "What?.." Chrom looked at himself, was he someone else entirely before?

"What was I?" Chrom asked.

The pixie dust answered, "A demon." Chrom looked at the pixie dust.

Byleth yelled, "Lies!" Chrom was shaking, did they think he was a betrayer.

"Execute him, he's a demon and will ruin dreams," The pixie dust said. The fairies were confused.

Penelope said, "Queen Bailey wouldn't like this!"

"Queen Bailey doesn't trust him, execute him," The pixie dust said. Chrom ran off immediately. The heroes followed after.

"Chrom!" Link shouted. Chrom dropped the coat and rushed into the winter wonderland. He left every trace of him.

Kirby asked, "He's going to be executed?! But what dream kingdom does this!?" The heroes nodded.

Alfred said, "Demons, we execute demons. But Chrom isn't one."

"The pixie dust wanted us to believe that," Penelope said.

Mario said, "Right, he's no demon." But truthfully he was a demon. But they couldn't bear to lose a friend.

"Let's find him again," Alfred said. They went into the winter wonderland again.

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