Chapter 36- The Escape

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Agent 3 asked, "This is the correct spot right? Seems a little empty."

"Only one can know..." Marth sighed. They went looking for the heroes. They got a signal from Sonic that they were underground but had no big idea what was going on.

Meanwhile downwards the heroes were trying to find a torch since it was pitch dark. Sonic sighed, "We have to find something in order to light our way out..."

"I think I found something," Hajime yelled as he looked through one of the boxes. "Ah-ha! I found a torch!" Mario lit it up and the heroes ran through the halls.

Byleth stopped and said, "I found an escape route, but we need to send a signal to the others to come to that route."

"I'll send the signal, just lead us to the route!" Sonic agreed. They continued dashing through the halls and eventually coming to the route.

"Okay, here it is, one person at a time can go through the hole, we need support from the group on the overworld to aid in our escape," Byleth explained in such fine detail.

Kirby asked, "Who wants to be first?"

"I guess I should, just to make sure it's safe," Sonic suggested. Then he jumped out. He was rightfully grabbed by two other people.

"Thanks for the aid!" Sonic thanked. Marth and Makoto nodded in agreement. "NEXT!" Then Link jumped up was brought upwards.

Byleth sighed, "Okay, we're almost there just 8 of us left." One by one the heroes got through the route and out of the hole. Then it was just Byleth left.

"You can do it!" Kirby cheered. Byleth jumped up, then Kyoko and Jeralt grabbed Byleth.

Chiaki cheered, "We're finally all out!" They all smiled at one another.

"Let's head on over to the cave over there, I think that's where we can visit the final group," Sonic explained as he pointed towards the cave. Then the rest ran over.

Agent 3 asked, "What do we do?"

"We go ahead and head back to our base and think about some plans I presume," Marth described. They all walked back to the forest.

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