Chapter 32- The Wind of Gods

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"We have to stop Ibrahim as soon as possible!" Chrom shouted as he took out his staff. He used his staff and made it transform into a keyboard. Using all the might he had he started to play a tune on the keyboard. Hajime followed along Chrom playing the flute.

Chrom conducted, "If we play a melody, we can hurt Ibrahim's power!" Chiaki got her triangle, while Zhongli got his harmonica, then Mario got his trumpet and together, they all played along with the melody. It was a loud, soft peaceful melody.

Chrom demanded, "We need the whole group!" Sonic grabbed out his electric guitar, Agent 4 followed along and grabbed a kazoo. When they started to play the melody became even more chaotic than just peaceful. Byleth followed along and grabbed his guitar, Kirby grabbed out his drums, and finally, Link got out his violin. Together, they all played a fortissimo melody.

Meanwhile, Ibrahim looked around his room looking for some trouble. Suddenly he heard a thundering band-like orchestra. He took a peek outside his window and spotted the heroes.
"What the hell is that thunderous melody coming from?! The heroes?!" Ibrahim asked getting irritated.

Hajime conducted, "We came to stop you." Ibrahim gazed upon the heroes.

"You..." He drifted. The heroes looked at him confused and frightened. "You..." He continued on.

Kirby asked, "What about us?"

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY! EVERYTHING!!" The struck of his voice made the heroes shiver at the sight of his deafening voice.

Chrom demanded, "We didn't take anything away, instead, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING AWAY!?" Ibrahim inspected the heroes one more time and then turned his eyes towards Chrom.

Ibrahim gasped, "You... will pay." He pointed towards Chrom, turned away, and wrenched the lever.

"AHHH!!!!" The heroes all screamed. Then they were all dumped into a dungeon. A dark, mysterious, lurking dungeon.

Ibrahim languished, "Now my pain is in action..." He smiled as he shut the hidden door. "They will finally understand my pain..."

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