Chapter 40- Dilemma = The Shout of Darkness

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"Where are they?!" Sayaka wondered as she abruptly stopped running.

Marth agreed, "That's what all of us are wondering at the moment!"

"W-We have to find th-them because they're th-the only ones who un-understand this l-land!" Mikan shouted as she explained.

Zelda asked the others, "What now?"

"We find our way ou-" Marth ordered before he was cut off by two fairies.

"Chrom! We found someone!" The fairy yelled out cheerfully.

Marth replied slowly turning around, "I-I'm Marth?"

"W-What?! Who..." The second fairy wondered. The two fairies looked at all the others.

Agent 8 asked, "What are your names?"

"Penelope and Alfred!" The fairies cheerily introduced themselves. Nobody said a word... silence overcame the area. Soon...

"Run," Marth demanded. "RUN!!!" They all sped off at the speed of light. The fairies flew right behind their tails.

Marth ordered, "These fairies are trying to kill present! Why you may ask?! ALL BECAUSE OF THE CORRUPTIONS SO JUST. KEEP. RUNNING!!!!"

"One problem..." Tails interrupted. The heroes turn their heads towards Tails. "THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND OUR TAIL!!!" Marth turned his head over to spot the fairies. He took out a bow and shot some arrows.

"Wh-What?!" Penelope asked. The heroes continued to dash through the forest. Navigation was hard, nobody knew what direction they were taking but they had to keep one thing in mind. They had to lose those pesky fairies.

"THIS WAY!! WE'LL LOSE THEM EASIER!" Hu Tao shouted as she pointed towards a sharp curve. The heroes took the turn and the fairies just did not give up.

"NOW WHAT HU TAO?!" Raiden asked infuriated.

Hu Tao replied, "I WAS JUST SAYING!!" Claude took out his bow and arrow. He shot some arrows at the fairies. They managed to lose their balance and tipped off the air.

"HURRY!!" Claude shouted. Continuing to dash ahead, the heroes continued on.

"DO NOT STOP!" Kyoko shouted as she pushed Peach ahead. Finally... the fairies were lost.

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