Chapter 99- Saved and Empire

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"It's over..." The heroes gasped. They watched the sky clear up. It was night and clean. The heroes looked at one another.

"Was King Liberty at fault?" Kirby asked. The heroes all thought about it. The heroes watched the night sky shimmer. The stars were glowing.

"Thank you all!" A voice shouted. The heroes looked back and saw the rulers coming over to see the heroes. They were all back to their regular powerful selves.

King Raident laughed, "Thanks to you guys our worlds are at peace at long last!" The heroes all smiled at one another. The main heroes all looked at one another and smiled, they all seemed tired.

"Oh dear, you guys look like you need rest," Queen Snow Frost said. She looked at them and their eyes appeared droopy.

"It was a rough time to destroy King Liberty, however, we're going to be fine," Chrom yawned. The heroes all nodded. He looked back up at the stars and looked down.

"Is it... going to be the end of our journey?!" Hu Tao asked nervously. The heroes looked at one another.

King Oceano sighed, "One more thing before you guys go, we grant something special... this staff." The heroes looked at it and Mario grabbed it.

"What is this supposed to mean?" Mario asked.

King Oceano explained, "This is supposed to mean that whoever is the holder of this staff has proved themselves worthy of protecting Dawn. It's a gift from all of us and a leaving path of King Liberty."

"Take this too," Queen Lily sighed. They gave the heroes a crown. "I'm so sorry I treated you all wrongly, as long as King Ibrahim/Liberty is gone, we'll be okay." The heroes all nodded. They looked at one another and took deep breaths.

Link said with a smile, "We're so glad to help you guys live through this. I know how hard it must've been for you guys to lie under the ruling of King Liberty." The heroes all nodded.

"We're safe now heroes, take this as a gift for all of you. You have completed our task," Queen Bailey said with a smile. Then she gave the heroes powder.

Claude asked, "What is this supposed to do?"

"It's going to provide better mindsets for all of you," Queen Bailey replied. The heroes all smiled at one another.

"Is this... farewell?" King Solorio asked. The heroes looked at each other.

Byleth responded, "I guess so... I can't believe our journey is over. I'm sure our friends or family are waiting for us anxiously."

"Indeed, I have a family to go home to," Chrom sighed. The heroes all nodded their heads. They looked back at the rulers.

Chiaki waved and smiled, "This is the end for now rulers! Maybe one day, we can see each other again." The heroes all nodded.

"Farewell..." Hajime said as he waved. They smiled back at them and soon they disappeared.

Queen Eifophia sighed, "We're finally free from his terrible ruling..." The others nodded and went back to their kingdoms. The heroes returned back to Dawn and they suddenly felt larger.

"I forgot how long we were tiny for!" Albedo laughed. The other heroes laughed.

Sonic asked, "Now what are we going to do with the staff and crown?"

"Someone who comes from here should wield it," Ayaka suggested. The other heroes all nodded.

Zhongli questioned, "Okay but who? We have so many great choices, it's hard to rely on one single choice."

"Well we can help you guys," Kyoko suggested. The heroes all nodded. Everyone else smiled. They were discussing who should be chosen.

Chiaki said, "We're not going to be mad if we're not going to be chosen right?" The heroes all nodded. They all placed their hands in the middle to consent fully.

"We're almost done!" Shuichi cheered. The other heroes all smiled at them.

Kirby sighed, "I hope I'm not chosen, I gotta return back to dreamland to see my friends again."

"I agree, I have to head back to Liyue," Zhongli agreed.

Albedo sighed, "I think most of us can agree we want to go home, but one of us is going to be stuck with the staff wondering what to do with it?"

"Don't they get the crown alongside the staff?" Chrom questioned.

Byleth answered, "I'm pretty sure they do, so they're going to have a lot of responsibilities."

"Well, whoever is going to get the staff is going to be doing their best right?" Mario announced cheerfully. The other heroes nodded.

Kaede exclaimed, "We're done! Hurry!" The heroes rushed over and sat in their assigned seats. "We are so happy to help you fight through these hard times fighting in the fantasy kingdoms, soon we will all be able to go back home but first we should announce the winner."

Lucina sighed, "Yes, whoever is going to get the staff and crown will do great."

"We'll be going who had the least votes to the most," Kaede announced.

Link laughed, "So we're dealing with the least popular first." Some of the other heroes laughed.

"In 11th and 10th place, there was a draw with 1 vote, those being..." Ganyu announced as she opened a card. "Sonic and Agent 4." The two burst out laughing.

Agent 4 laughed, "To be fair I saw it coming."

"HA! Me too!" Sonic laughed. Shuichi was opening the next card.

Shuichi announced, "In 9th and 8th there was another draw with 2 votes. Those being..." Shuichi opened the card, "Link and Kirby."

"CALLED IT!" Link shouted. The heroes were all laughing with one another.

Celica whispered, "I'm so glad they got over their competitiveness." The others nodded.

Lucina announced, "In 7th place the person with 3 votes is..." She opened the card. "Chiaki."

"At least I'm able to go home and finally rest," Chiaki giggled. The others all laughed.

Susie announced, "Okay everyone, 6th, and 5th place had a draw of four votes. Those being..." The heroes sat there anxiously waiting as Susie opened the card. "Byleth and Hajime!" The two gave warm embraces to each other.

Peach laughed, "That now leaves us with 4 more people, Mario, Chrom, Zhongli, and Albedo!"

"Ooh, I wonder who's going to win," Mario cheered.

Tessa announced, "In 4th place with 5 votes we have... Albedo!" Albedo began to cheer despite not winning. The heroes were just in high spirits.

"Okay, we're down to our finalists!" Beth announced. She began opening the envelope. "In 3rd place... we have..." The heroes sat there anxiously waiting.

Beth announced, "With 6 votes we have Mario!" The other began to cheer.

"We're almost there everyone! Now for our second-place winner... they have 7 votes!" Zelda announced. The heroes sat there becoming more anxious than ever.

"Zhongli is our second place winner!"

"THAT MEANS CHROM WINS WITH A GRAND TOTAL OF NINE VOTES! I know these numbers are small but hey it's something," Hu Tao giggled. Chrom stood there in shambles.

"What the hell do I-I even say!?" Chrom asked himself trying his best to stay calm.

Mikan suggested, "How about a... thank you?" Chrom stood there and smiled.

"I know this is so little for me to say but... thank you, everyone..." Chrom said with a smile. Hu Tao rushed over and put the crown on his head.

Hu Tao said with a smile, "We're proud of you."

"I'm glad..." Chrom sighed.

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