Chapter 76- The Search of The Lost Kingdom

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"The seas are calm, however, we must focus on the task of finding the lost kingdom of Atlantica," Raiden sighed. The heroes all nodded. They searched the seas for something that seemed off-putting.

Venti asked, "What should we look out for?"

"Perhaps strong waves, somber waves, or even bubbling in the waters," Chrom suggested. Venti nodded and climbed to the near top of the boat.

Marth sighed, "This is just a wonderful sight to see, it's all calm and peaceful."

"Yeah but it's also pretty adventurous!" Childe cheered. The others cheered alongside him. They continued to search the seas of the fantasy kingdom.

Shuichi asked, "I-Is this a sign?!" Then the heroes looked over. There were storm clouds and strong waves.

Marth shouted, "HANG ON EVERYONE!" They fought the strong powerful stormy seas. The heroes were being blown by the wind but perhaps there was something more to it.

"ARGH!!" Link shouted as he almost toppled over.

Hu Tao asked, "Where could this be leading us?!" Then suddenly the heroes saw a splash happen in the distance. It was big.

"What is happening in the distance?!" Kaede asked. The heroes watched the waves get bigger and bigger by the second.

Hajime responded, "It appears to be a sea creature but what sea creature?" The heroes try to fight the winds and the howling seas. Suddenly there was a huge splash in the water.

"AHH! That almost toppled us over!" Marth shouted. The heroes attempted to steady themselves but it was no use. They continued to topple over.

"H-Hang ON!!!" Zhongli shouted. Then there was another splash that lifted the boat up.

Marth asked while shouting, "CAN ANYONE SEE WHAT THE CREATURE IS!?" They continued to fight the seas when out of nowhere. They saw a long tail.

Chrom asked, "What type of creature is that?" They looked at it closely. Suddenly it stuck out of the water roaring. It was... a sea dragon.

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