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Don't get him wrong, there weren't many times where Kotallo felt himself feeling sorry for people; it just was how he was; it wasn't that he couldn't have or feel sympathy, but it was rare it raised its head. Here however, yes, he felt bad for the poor merchant who was having their ear talked off by Nureka. He supposed, in some ways, he was seeing what Banuk bargaining and haggling looked like...it was interesting to say the least, interesting may have been the wrong word to use, but there was definitely an interesting tactic of just constant talking by Nureka.

Nureka had seemingly started off well, managing to trade the parts she had bought with her that were stashed in her pack. That was fine, she seemed happy for the shards she got for them; however, the hunter looked pleased with the pieces they'd received in return, seemed to change less pleased, when Nureka questioned about what machine pieces they themselves had. Kotallo guessed the mood changed when he could hear Nureka say she'd just find someone else, who had the pieces she was looking for.

He didn't even know what those parts were, but the prospect of losing custom, but also at being snubbed for not having sufficient stock was enough for the hunter's face to darken, even under the paint on their face, Kotallo could tell they were annoyed. It wasn't like he couldn't deny his people weren't quick to anger. He was tempted to step in, it was a tempting offer, but there was something somewhat amusing about watching the scene. He felt bad to admit that to himself, but Nureka's determination butting heads with the stubbornness of the hunter was truly something to behold.

As far as he knew, she had been offered pieces from the Frostclaws she had dispatched. Kotallo was uncertain whether she took anything, or if she did, what. He couldn't help but frown, if she was on the hunt for something akin to a Sawtooth, all that was out this way were Ravagers, maybe even a Scorcher; but she didn't share what she was looking for, thus Kotallo just stood back and let her get on with it. Yet again, he was tempted to intervene and quell the clear tension which was rising between the pair, but...well, it wasn't like either were going to do something ridiculous, or at least he hoped not.

"I do not think anyone would want to switch places right now." Kotallo looked slowly away and to the side where Hekarro had come to join him. He nodded onwards, by now the pair before them seemed to be in some sort of discussion, whether it was good or bad was hard to tell considering the hard look on the hunter's face, and Nureka's back being to them. "I take it she hasn't succeeded in finding what she wanted?"

Kotallo merely shook his head, removing his hand from his hip and hanging it simply by his side. "There's been some trade, but nothing that I believe she could make armour with."

Hekarro let out a thoughtful hum at that, his eyes narrowing a fraction before stepping to the side. "Her people are good at making something from nothing. You'll be surprised," he was clearly just out and surveying how everyone was doing, and if the peace which was here, really was staying.

Kotallo couldn't help but frown at that, "How many from the Frozen Wilds have you met?" He found himself asking curiously, turning and looking Hekarro's way.

There was a loose shrug from the Tenakth Chief. "She is the first. But tales get told and spread around all of these lands." Was the response given from over his shoulder before disappearing into a small mingling crowd.

Hearing a clank had Kotallo turning back, the double take and slightly disbelieving look on his face had Nureka looking at him oddly. One moment she was deep in conversation, clearly trying to haggle. The next he looks, here she is pulling a woven basket his way, jam packed with parts and pieces. "Do you plan to use all of that?" He asked, pointing a finger hesitantly to the basket. Not that many would mind if it was in the base, it wasn't like Zo and her planting and mats weren't taking up space, he wasn't shooting them down, but if she could do that, then why say no to Nureka and her machine part hoarding?

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