Chapter 1 - Move In

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Here we go again. Junior year. I'm so sick of college man but I need it for my career. Plus my parents want more for me, so here I am. I carried my last box into my dorm apartment. This is the only good part about this. I ain't got to stay in those small ass dorms no more. A big nigga like me don't need to be scrunched up in no small as twin bed.

I sat my box down and flopped on the bed. Full sized. Now this is what I'm talking about. I made my bed first because I knew I'd be tired. I had been working my ass off at practice and conditioning. Naturally they had us come to campus a few weeks earlier and had us staying in those crappy dorms. Now that that was over and was time to get ready for classes to start on Monday.

"Aye, Toni. You in here yet?!" I got off the bed hearing my best friend come in. I walked up to him.

"My nigga." I dapped him up.

"Wassup! I ain't seen you in three weeks."

"That bullshit ass conditioning for basketball."

"I feel you. Coach had us in the field almost all damn day." He flopped on the couch.

"Aye, I told your ass to do basketball but naw, you had to go with football."

"Listen man, you already dominating basketball. I couldn't be on that team. I needed somewhere with could shine."

"Dude, I'm on the female team. You could've done the men's."

"Nigga, you're the reason that they only team people know about is the female team and I'm the reason they know about football. Let's just be great in our respective areas."

"Whatever you say, Kenny."

"Anyway dead all that. Where my room?"

"Yours is on the right, mine is by the left."

"Cool." He got up and moved his stuff and I went back to finish unpacking mine. It took about an hour to get my room set up the way I wanted before Kenny brought his ass in here. "Damn nigga. You could at least coordinate the room. Your shit so unorganized."

"But is my shit in here though?"

"But your ass only got one pillow and look at these drawers."

"My stuff is put up, that's the point."

"Nigga you need Jesus."

"Damn if I need Jesus then you need God because you worse than me."

"Fuck you. Anyway, you got your schedule yet?"

"Yeah. You got yours?"

"Right here." He pulled his schedule out his back pocket and I got mine out of my bag. I sat on my bed while Keeny sat in my big bean bag. "Nigga why I got Duldulao as my advisor." I laughed.

"That dance team coach? Nigga he cool as fuck. He tells you all the loopholes. I had him last year."

"Aye we love loopholes."

"Heard for Honors Physics."

"Me too."

"Man, why I gotta take physics if I'm in business?"

"Remember you said you needed it for credits."

"Oh right." I rolled my eyes.

"Who you got for English?" I looked.

"Uhh, Jackson." Kenny jumped up.

"Me too! Nigga it's bout to go."

"Wait! How you ass end up in Honors English?"

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