Chapter 4 - Due Date

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It was Friday and time to turn in the paper for Dr. Jackson's class. However, I ain't do it. Why? Shit, I forgot. It ain't no big deal. She seems chill and she probably gone let me turn it in on Monday. I got dressed and made my way to the couch to wait for Kenny, again. Nicole came over last night and them niggas was going for hours. "Kenny! Bring y'all asses!"

"Nigga, wait! Damn!" I rolled my eyes. These niggas really know how to waste time. A couple minutes later, they came out kissing on each other and shit. That mess is gross. She probably sucked him off and here he is kissing her lips. That's nasty.

"Bring y'all lovey dovey asses on." I headed out the door with them behind me.

"Nigga, don't be mad because you ain't got someone to kiss on."

"Trust, I got plenty hoes that want to kiss on me. I just don't like that shit." He laughed.

"Come on, Toni. Being in a relationship is great." said Nicole.

"Yeah. For other people. Not me. I like variety."

"Alright, I guess." said Kenny. We kept walking until I didn't hear them kissing and giggling. I turned around and saw them standing by the art building giving each other goodbye kisses. Like seriously, they're about to see each other in a couple hours.

She gave him one last kiss and went into the building. I rolled my eyes and resumed walking. He ran to catch up with me. "Man, why y'all doing all that like y'all ain't bout to see each other in like two hours?"

"I'm gone miss her." I shook my head.

"You a simp, foreal. Like how you let this bitch punk you like this."

"First of all, she ain't no bitch and second of all, I love being with her. She's not like any other girl I've been with. She likes to listen to my hopes and dreams. She helps me study and she really cares about me."


"So, it makes me feel good and it makes me want to make sure she good too. You'll see when you get someone you care about."

"I care about my hoes, sort of."

"If you really cared, you wouldn't call them hoes."

"Whatever." We made it to our Physics class and sat down.

"Listen man, I ain't tryna upset you but you just don't get it. You've never been in a serious relationship or had a woman that makes you feel that way."

"How you know?"

"Because if you had, you would understand where I'm coming from."

"Listen dude, not everyone is cut out for that sappy shit. Some of us are just meant to explore. Where would we be if Columbus hadn't explored?"

"Safe in the country we belonged in." I turned my nose up.

"Man, fuck you." I took out my book as the professor walked in.

"Good morning class." said Dr. Heard.

"Good morning, Dr. Heard." Everyone rolled their eyes as Jennifer put on the teacher's pet smile. Dr. Heard looked at her.

"Yes, hello Ms. Lopez." She sat her briefcase down.
"Now, did everyone complete the assignment?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Now let's get to the next unit. Forces and Newton's Law." The professor started teaching but all I could think about what Kenny said. Is the way I'm going about women wrong? Is he right about the whole relationship thing? I thought about it. Ain't no way. I enjoy women too much. There's no way I'm giving it up for some bitch who want me to kiss her after she sucked my dick.

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