Chapter 40 - Happy Endings

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"Oh look at my baby." Janet smiled at me as she fixed my cape and gown. "I can't believe you graduate tomorrow. I'm so proud of you." I pulled her into me.

"Thank you." She kissed me. My hands immediately went to her butt and I squeezed it.

"Mmmmm." I picked her up and put her against the wall. Just as I moved onto her neck, we heard cries. I pulled away. She looked at me and laughed. "That would be Teddy." I still don't know how she knew the difference like that. I put her on her feet.

"It could be Tommy."

"No, it's not." I followed her as she went into the nursery. The babies were two months old now and they were beautiful. She went over to Teddy's crib and she was right, he was the one crying. She looked at me.

"Whatever." She laughed and turned back to him.

"What's wrong, baby boy?" She picked him up and held him. Instantly, he stopped crying. "Awww. Look at Mommy's handsome man in his outfit." She kissed his cheeks and he let out little giggles.

Suddenly, Tommy started crying. I went over and picked him up but he wouldn't calm down. Janet sat down with Teddy and rocked him. Tommy continued to fuss. "Bring him here, Toni." I took Tommy over to her and she held him in her other arm. Just like Teddy, he stopped crying instantly. "You guys just wanted Mommy, huh? Yes you did. You wanted Mommy." She made funny faces at them.

"Just steal my children, why don't you."

"Shut up." She looked back at the boys. "Mama's just jealous. Yes she is. Yes she is." She kissed both of their cheeks. She continued to stare at them as she rocked them.

I sat on the couch in the room and watched. I loved watching her with the babies. She was a natural mother. She knew when they were hungry, sad, needed to be changed, and when they just wanted to be held. It was amazing.

After a while the boys fell asleep in her arms. She kissed their foreheads and got up to put them in their cribs. She watched them sleep for a few more minutes before walking away. I followed her into our room. She laid back on the bed with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. "What's with you?" She looked at me.

"I'm happy. You've made me happy." I took my cap and gown off and sat it in my closet. I went to the bed and laid next to her. She turned to look at me. "I love you, Toni."

"I love you too. You've made me very happy too. More than you know." She caressed my face.

"You're amazing." I slowly kissed me. I pulled her into me by her waist as I deepened the kiss. My hands went to her ass and squeezed. I rolled over and pulled her on top of me.

She began kissing me deeper and slowly began to grind on me. Even though she's been cleared for four weeks, we haven't done anything because she wanted to make sure she developed a good connection and routine with the boys.

She began to kiss and bite at my neck. I pushed my hands inside of her pants and played with her ass. She began to moan softly. "Mmmm." She sat up and took off her shirt. She hasn't been wearing a bra because her boobs had gotten bigger and she couldn't fit them. They looked so delicious.

I leaned up and began to kiss and suck on them. She rubbed the back of my head as she moaned. "That feels good, baby. Mmmmm." I moved one of my hands to her pussy and felt nothing but wetness. This was another benefit of her weight gain from the pregnancy. Her pussy has gotten fatter.

She climbed off of me and took off the rest of her clothes. Her body was so beautiful. At one point she thought her body was ugly after having the babies but I loved it. Every single part.

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