Chapter 25 - Decisions

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"Janet, I swear it's broken!"

"No, sweetie. Calm down." She held me down. "We'll figure it out."

"Oh man. It's broken. You think they can fix it?"

"No, because it's not broken!" The door opened and the doctor came in.

"Okay, Ms. Braxton. It appears that you have pulled a muscle."

"Oh my god! Is it broken?!"

"Baby, he just said you pulled a muscle. Now calm down!" I caught breath.

"Foreal?" He nodded. "Oh good."

"Yes, it appears that the muscle was strained and then excessive use caused it to pull."

"Okay, so what should she do?" asked Janet.

"Refrain from excessive use."

"Does that mean we can't have sex?" I asked.

"Yes. I would suggest that until your penile region heals properly."

"I would suggest a couple weeks." My eyes got big.

"Two weeks? Naw I ain't gone be able to do that."

"Well if you don't, you will risk damaging the muscle and it would take surgery to repair."


"Yeah and there's also always the risk of permanent damage. You may never be able to get an erection again." Janet slammed me on the bed.

"You are going to follow the doctor's instructions. I mean it!" She was pushing hard on my chest.

"Okay. Okay!" She took her hand away. "Damn. Strong hand ass."

"Alright. So Ms. Braxton, two weeks with no sex. That includes masturbation."

"I'm gonna die. Do you not see my girlfriend?" He looked at her. "Don't stare."

"Sorry but yes, very attractive."

"Exactly, how am I supposed to contain myself?"

"I don't know Ms. Braxton but two weeks. I mean it."

"We understand, sir."

"Good. The nurse will be in to get you discharged." He left out.

"Baby, what am I going to do for two weeks?"

"Toni, it'll be fine. Thanksgiving is coming up, we'll be so busy planning and cooking, we won't even notice." She kissed me. I pulled her close and deepened it.

"Hey! What did I say?" We pulled apart as the doctor came in.

"Sorry, force of habit."

"I understand. But listen, here's some ways to know when you've healed." He handed me some papers. "As you know, erections in the morning are natural. So when you wake up, if you aren't in pain then you can resume sexual activity. Be very cautious though."


"And Ms. Jackson, she's going to lie and say it doesn't hurt tomorrow, don't believe her." I gave him a look.

"Damn. Fine." The doctor left.

"It's okay, honey. You'll get through this." She pecked my lips. "Now put your dick away."

"Alright. Won't be seeing him for a while."

"Girl if you don't put your dick away and chill. We have to go to my appointment." I looked at my dick before putting it away. I turned to stand up when I saw Janet bent over, picking up her bag. Just kill me already.

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