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Okay y'all, this book is coming to an end soon and I'm going to start a new book.

I'm going to get rid of 'Love Renewed' because I'm not feeling the plot anymore. Maybe at another time I'll do a sequel when I have a better plot.

I'm also going to delete 'Broken Hearts Heal' and do a different Jermaine and Janet book.

'How Many Ways' is staying. Y'all seem really into the plot so I'm gonna keep that going. I'm going to try and be swifter with the updates.

I'm also thinking of putting the Joni books on hold while I write some different Janet books.

There may be books that have nothing to do with Toni or Janet at all. I hope y'all cool with that.

Besides that, y'all are the best followers and readers ever. I love y'all sense of humor. KEEP IT COMING! I love the relationship thats built amongst us writers. Love y'all. 😘

If y'all have any suggestions or want a specific type of book, let me know. I love to write and my imagination is endless.

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