Chapter 3 - Lonely

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My workday had finally came to an end. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8 pm. I left my office at my private practice and headed to my car. I got in and just laid my head back for a minute. I was exhausted. Taking a deep breath, I took off my heels and put on my slides. Pulling out of the parking lot, I headed to the expressway.

I had been driving for a while when I noticed the same car had been following me. I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was. Turning the radio up, I listen to the slow jams. These were sim calming, just what I needed after my day.

I saw my exit and pulled over. Like always, the car followed me. Turning down random streets, I tried to lose him but he wouldn't give up. So I just headed towards my street. As I got closer, I saw the car get closer to me.

I lived in a gated community so the gate only stays open for a few seconds after the code is put in. I pulled up to the gate and typed in my code. Pulling through, I headed towards my house. Once there, pulled into my driveway and parked. I put my shoes in my bag and grabbed my house keys and taser. Putting my purse on my shoulder, I grabbed my work bag and got out.
I headed to my door as I heard another car door close.

"Go away."

"But Janet."

"Leave me alone." I found my house key. He turned me around. "Let me go."

"Janet, why you doing this? You know you love me. Just quit all of this acting and let me back in."

"Kamaal, I divorced you for a reason. Now go away." I pulled away from him.

"You gone stop playing with me."I walked to my door. He walked up on me fast. Go home, Kamaal." I held my taser. He grabbed me and turned me around. Instantly, I pushed the taser in his stomach. He instantly went down, shaking all on the ground. I took out my phone and dialed 911.

"What's your emergency?"

"Hi. My name is Janet Jackson and my ex husband Kamaal Fareed is harassing me again. He followed me home from work and the. Then he attacked me in the driveway of my home."

"Okay. You've reported him before, are you still at the same address?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, the police are on their way. Would like to press charges this time?"

"No. I'll just do a restraining order. He had a lot of legal connections and those charges would be gone very quickly."

"Okay. I'll inform the officer. They'll bring the paperwork."

"Thank you."

"No problem." I hung up the phone and waited against my door. This is the fourth time this month I've called the police on him and like the 15th time this year. I'm finally getting the restraining order.

After a few more minutes, I heard the police pull up in my driveway. Two officers got out and one came to me while the other arrested Kamaal. "Good Evening Ms. Jackson."

"Good evening."

"Dispatch told us that you wanted to file a restraining order."

"That is correct."

"Here's the form." She handed me a pad and I wrote down all of the information. Handing it back to her, she smiled. I waited as she looked it over. "I like the lawn. Did you redo it?"

"Yeah. And the driveway."

"I noticed. I think it complements the house nicely."

"Thank you."

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