Chapter 23 - Popping Up

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Boom! Boom! Boom! I jumped up at the sound of someone knocking at the door. We were all in the living room, because Janet wanted to watch movies. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 2 am. I slowly moved from under Janet and went to the door. I looked through the peephole and was instantly annoyed. I opened it.

"Jada. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Look, I need some money."

"For what?!"

"I have to pay for some stuff for the baby. Your baby. Remember?"

"What stuff? You're three months pregnant and that baby is not mine."

"Yes, it is! Now give me the money. I have to buy food and pay for my prescriptions."

"You have medical insurance."

"But it doesn't cover the copay. Why aren't you letting me?!"

"Because you're not welcome and be quiet. People are sleeping."

"I don't give a fuck! I need some money!" She pushed past me and went inside. I closed the door and went after her. "Wow! Nice place and you can't give me money for food and medication. Wow!"

"Shut up."

"Toni." I turned and saw Rebbie coming from the restroom. "Who's this?"

"A pest is what she is."

"No. I'm carrying her child." Rebbie instantly got angry.

"Really, Toni?"

"Rebbie, listen to me." She stormed off to the living room to get her things. In the process, the other family members woke up.

"Rebbie, what's going on?" asked Michael.

"I'm leaving."

"Why?" asked Tito. She didn't answer but they looked my way. "Who's that?"

"Someone carrying Toni's child."

"I thought that was Janet." said Jackie.

"You got her pregnant?" Jada looked at me.

"Yes, because she's my girlfriend and you're not."

"But I'm having your baby."

"No you're not!"

"If she's not having your baby, then why is she here?"

"Because she wants Toni." Janet had woken up. Ah hell. She got up and came up to us. "Why are you in our house? I thought I got your ass together."

"Girl, chill. You aren't the only one carrying Toni's child."

"That is not her baby and you know it."

"It is and she's going to give me the money I need."

"Get out of my house and ask Will to give you money."

"He isn't speaking to me right now and shouldn't have to ask the person who got me pregnant to make sure I'm okay."

"You are not having her baby. Now leave my house."

"Bitch, I'm sick of you putting a edge between me and Toni."

"Bitch you're the wedge. You're just mad because she don't want you anymore. Get that through your skull. Even when she thought the baby was hers she didn't fuck with you."

"And you think she'd be there for your baby?"

"Hell yeah. She loves it here. Take that dry ass, desperate pussy elsewhere and leave us alone." Jada got in Toni's face.

"Don't play with me, you old bitch."

"Get out of my face."

"What are you going to do?" She pushed Janet. Ah hell. Her family's eyes got big and they backed up.

"I'm going to give you one chance to be smart and back up."

"Or what?" I followed suit with her family and backed away.

"Back up, Jada."

"No. Do something, bitch."

"Okay but just know that this is considered self-defense." Janet backhanded Jada and knocked her to the floor. She laid on the floor, holding her face.

"You bitch." She got up and tried to hit Janet but she caught her arm and twisted it. Jada screamed as Janet threw her in the middle of the living room. Janet's family looked down at her.

Jada stood up, grabbing a sharp object and tried to charge at Janet. LaToya instantly snatched her back by her hair. "Girl, nice try. Don't be stupid." She pulled her hair until she was bent backwards. Then she punched her in the face. Jada fell to the floor. She tried to get up but Rebbie put her foot on her chest.

"We did not harm your baby, despite the fact the you forced your way in and attempted to assault and harm my sister with a sharp object." Rebbie moved her foot. Jada stood up. LaToya and Rebbie stood with their arms folded. "Leave before you are forced."

"No! I want what I came for." She ran around the house smashing things.

"Michael. Will you please?" said Janet.

"No problem." They sat down on the couch as Michael made a call.

"Yes, Chief Jones. We have a very aggressive young woman, causing disruption around the house."
Michael gave the address and they sat and waited. Crashing sounds continued to happen. There was a knock at the door.

"Toni, can you please get that?" said Rebbie. I went to the door and there were four officers waiting.

"Please come in." The officers walked in and went to get Jada.

"Come sit, Toni." I sat down next to Janet. They all sat on their phones and talked like nothing was happening. Yeah these people are a little scary.
I heard the officers detain Jada and they carried her downstairs. Two officers took her out while the other two stayed inside. "Mr. Jackson, I apologize for the inconvenience. You guys can come down to the station later and give your statement."

"Thank you." They left out. "So shall we go back to bed?"

"Yes, you guys can pick a guest room." Janet got up and went upstairs. I followed her. She got into the bed and just laid there. I sat next to her.

"Baby, come on talk to me."

"I just can't take her. She's popping up at the house now."

"Don't worry the police will take care of it plus when the DNA proves the baby isn't mine, we'll be better off." She was silent.

"What if it comes back as yours?"

"It won't."

"You're positive? I mean you wore a condom but things happen."

"I am positive that the baby ain't mine."

"Okay. So when I send her ass to jail, it won't be your baby born in there." I laughed.

"Definitely not." I rubbed her stomach and eased my way down. "But let's not talk about that anymore." She bit her lip.

"Then give me another topic." I stuck my fingers inside of her and she bit her lip.

"Be quiet, babe."


Short chapter for y'all.

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