Chapter 38 - Execution

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Some weird stuff has been going on since Janet talked to her mother. Her and her siblings have been talking in private and having a lot of weird meetings. They also go over to their mother's house at night but never go in. They just sit there. She has me go with them but won't tell me anything though.

"Okay, so you're sure?" Janet whispered on the phone.
"Okay. Good. I'll see about it. Okay. Bye." She hung up the phone and turned around. She jumped when she saw me. "Baby, don't do that."

"Sorry. What's going on Janet?"

"Just some plans. Come with me."

"Janet, no that's it. It's been three weeks of this secretive behavior. You need to start talking."

"Come...on. Now." She gave me this stern look. I smacked my lips and followed her. Not because she told me to though. Just making that clear.

"What is it?" She didn't say anything. She just got in the car. I got in and she pulled off. I noticed that we were heading to the campus. Why were we going there? She parked behind my old building and got in.

"Let's go, Toni." I got out and followed her. She went to my old apartment. The hell?

"Janet, what's..."

"Shhhh.." She knocked a weird way and Kenny opened the door. He looks around and then motioned us in. Inside, all of her siblings were there and some of my old friends from high school. As well as Lawrence and Ray. Kenny closed the door and made sure all of the curtains were closed.

"What's going on?"

"Sit. We have things to discuss." said Kenny. I sat down.

"About what?"

"Janet's father."


"We have to take him out. I've been researching and asking questions. We've found out that my father is a lot more dangerous than we thought." said Janet.

"What do you mean?"

"Joseph is 'Number 1." Fear ran through my body.

"You're lying. Please tell me you're joking."


"Man, this whole time that's who he's been? He's the most dangerous guy I've ever encountered."

"I know. We have to take him out to save Mama Kat."

"What's going on with Mama Kat?"

"He's beating her. Torturing her. He doesn't like the fact that she managed to get away from her." said Kenny.

"So what's the plan because this isn't an easy task."

"We know. This is going to take some serious firepower." said Ray.

"But we don't have that. We have been out for like five years."

"We know. That's why we've called Trey." I stood and rubbed my head.

"When did he get out?"

"Mike got him out so he could help." said Janet.

"Mike got him out? Man. Well, where is he?"

"Watching Mama Kat's house. You know he's the best at planning and making a clean kill. They can get in, get Mama Kat, he'll make the kill and we'll get the body." said Ray.

"Oh, wow. That simple, huh." I said sarcastically.

"Listen, Toni we need you on this."


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