Two Gay Men

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"So he came in here, shot a man-" A man asked.

"Several men." the saloon owner corrected the man.
"Several men... And then left with a woman?" another man asked.

"Yes, that's correct... Who are you two again?" the owner asked.

"I'm Agent Parker, this is Agent Wilson, we're from a new government agency that's hoping to put this... outlaw problem behind us." Agent Parker gave a smile.

"I was actually an outlaw before this one convinced them not to hang me." Agent Wilson added.

"They don't need to know that Wade." Agent Parker muttered.

"Your face..." The saloon owner started.

"What about my face?" Agent Wilson snapped.


"Are there any of the men still alive that we could question?" Agent Parker asked.

"J-Just one, over there." he pointed to a large man in the corner, the bottle of whiskey that he held in his hand looked like a shot glass.

"Thank you kindly." Agent Wilson strode over to the man and sat down. "Howdy!"
"Nobody says howdy hede." the man growled in a thick Russian accent.

"A Russian! Oh, we don't see a lot of those around here." Agent Wilson laughed as Agent Parker sat down.

"You are the only survivor of the Doc Ock encounter, right?" Agent Parker asked.

The large man took a swig of the bottle "Ves."

"Why did he attack you?"

"Ve vede goeing to have some fun vith a ledy..."
"Did she vant to have fun?" Agent Wilson mocked.

"It doesn't metter vhat she vanted."
"No, no I think it does." Agent Parker started, "I'm going to need bigger handcuffs-"

The saloon screamed, and the large man howled as he grabbed his leg, he pulled out a gun, but both men had their pistols trained on him.

"We are supposed to arrest and then hang him, Wade." Agent Parker reminded him.

"Aw but that's no fun Petey!"
"Don't call me Petey when we're on the job Wade." Agent Parker sighed. "Where did he go?"

"Vou shot meh!" the large man snapped.

"He asked vou a question!" Wade snapped.

"Vere vas a man ve vere supposed to meht... Skip Ranch. Vey vent vere." he gasped.

"Now, vasn't vat easy?" Wade mocked.


Agent Parker sighed at the hole that was through the large man's skull. "We have a protocol-"
"He was going to die anyway... Petey-Peter, Peter." he corrected himself. "You'll take care of the body for us, right?" Wade asked the saloon owner, waving his gun around as he talked. The owner gave a shaky nod, Wade smiled and skipped out of the saloon. Peter tossed the owner a quarter as they left. Wade was already on his horse. "I gotta admit, it's so much better to kill bad guys!" he chimed.

"We're supposed to have them hanged," Peter muttered.

"Yes, but they could also pay their way out... And I don't like that. And it's so much more fun to just... shoot em in the head-"
"It's messier Wade." Peter pointed out.

"Oh Petey, I know you love itttt." Wade teased as he flicked the reins, Peter smirked at that. "Now, let's go catch that Doc Ock..."

"I don't understand why we're stopping at Violetsville," you muttered.

"I need to get more ammunition, oil for the actuators... And cigars." Otto explained.

"Don't kill anyone... And please don't take anything you don't need." You pleaded.

"...I don't know if-"

"My family died through a robbery... You don't want another vengeful family member chasing after you, do you?"
"Well not if they're as stunning as you are," he noted, you turned red, the sky suddenly was very interesting to you. "Fine, fine, I won't kill anyone... But I will still shoot-"
"But not to kill."
"Yes, not to kill." he paused "I would be ready, the Sheriff here... does not like me."

"Did you shoot up the town?"
"Yes, I shot up the town."
You sighed as you snapped the reins.

"But I will try not to this time around."
You looked over and gave him a small smile, his actuators clicked happily... He was making an effort, that was nice to know.

You flinched as you heard banging in the general store, you absentmindedly double-checked your gun as a crowd started to form around the wagon, you didn't see the Sheriff yet-

"Miss, we saw you enter with Doc Ock, is he keeping you hostage?" The sheriff asked. Damn, you shouldn't have thought about it.

"Well umm..." you looked at the general store, would he just hurry up?
"It's alright, you can tell us, we can help you." the sheriff took a step forward, and you stared down at the gun... Wait you had a gun, if you really had to you suppose you could-


Anne puffed up her feathers at the Sheriff, he took a step back. "Did he steal the bird as well? Quick, quick come with me-"
"She's mine Sheriff!" Otto called out, his actuators had their guns drawn, he held a burlap sack, in his other hand was another gun... It might have been overkill, but you've started to realize that Otto had a flair for the dramatics. You stared at him, confused for a moment, he winked at you, you turned red but realized that he wanted you to play along.

"Oh, I couldn't hide it anymore!" You cried out, looking at the sheriff.

"Oh, you poor young woman-"
"Drive!" Otto snapped as he jumped into the wagon, you jumped but snapped the reins, a bullet whizzed past you and you shrieked, the horses sprinted out of there.

"Get the horses!" The sheriff ordered.

"They're gone!" the deputy announced.

"What?" he snapped.
"The horses, they ran off!"

"Shit!" the Sheriff glared at the cloud of dust that was slowly getting further and further away.

"Are you alright?" Otto asked, his tough exterior melted away.

"Y-Yes." You gave a shaky nod.

"If I scared you I didn't mean to-"
"No, no it's alright, I knew you were acting." you gave a shaky laugh "That was... something."

He smiled at you and nodded "It was, wasn't it?"
"What took you so long in there?" you asked.

"Got what I came for... took some convincing." he hesitated before continuing "And I know that you didn't want me to steal anything extra-"
"You're right, I didn't-"
"But I saw this and I had to get it for you." He rummaged through the burlap sack and handed you a sketchbook with a graphite pencil, your eyes widened.
"Y-You got that for me?" you breathed.

"I wanted to keep some of those drawings-"

You tackled him into a hug... You-You liked his hugs you haven't been hugged since... Since you last saw your family, was it really a week ago? It-It felt like ages. He hesitated before hugging you back, you wanted to stay there longer, but a jolt tore the two of you apart, the horses were going off the path, you sighed as you grabbed the reins, steering them back onto the path. Otto cleared his throat as he unbuckled the actuators, taking out the oil.

"They've been rusting more and more..." he grumbled.

"Is there a way to replace the parts?"
"That would mean going back to New York, and I don't want to go there unless it is absolutely necessary," he explained.

"That makes sense," you admitted. The two of you rode on in silence, the sun slowly began to set...

You wanted another hug.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now