Sorry That This Chapter Is Short

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You tore off a piece of some fish jerky as you looked out the train door, the cool morning air hit your face as you and Otto watched it pass. You'd been starting to stretch your arm, it hurt, but Otto said that it needed to do that in order to heal. And you trusted him. He flipped through your sketchbook.
"I'm going to have to steal another one for you soon." he joked, you gave a small smile at that as he handed it back to you. "...Can you sketch me?" he finally asked. "Call me a narcissist, but I enjoy being sketched," he remarked, you laughed as you opened up your sketchbook and began drawing him. Damn it he was handsome, you focused on his striking gaze, pinning you in place.

"If you keep on looking at me like that I won't be able to finish." you joked.

"Oh come over here," he said in that sultry, low voice that made you hot all over. You nodded as you put your sketchbook back into your satchel and crawled over to him, you gasped as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you onto his lap, you leaned over and kissed him deeply, and he let out a soft groan as he kissed you back. When he kissed you it was if the world had disappeared, nothing mattered. Except you and him. You swore you could hear Anne sigh as she flew off, leaving the two of you alone. "Sweetheart, the things you do to me," he muttered.

"I want more." you breathed in between kisses.

"Oh, do you?" he laughed. "Well, I can give that to you."

You let out a moan as he sucked on the tender spot on your neck, the mark that he left last time was starting to fade, but at this point, you think that it had come back as prominent as ever. You hesitantly started to move your hips up against his lap, Otto let out a surprised gasp at the motion. You stopped.
"D-Don't stop sweetheart." he sighed.

You gave a shaky nod as you continued your motion. You could feel his hard-on rub against you and you noticed your own wetness. Otto had begun unbuckling your pants, you shimmied them off and unbuckled his pants, his length sprung out and you stared at it, he began to stroke his shaft, you saw him bite his lip... You wanted to make him feel that way.

"Can I try?" you asked.

"...You're very new to this," he commented.

You turned red.

"Seems like killing men ain't the only thing I can teach you..." he smirked as he took your hand and placed it around his length, you began to repeat what he had done, he let out a low moan as you stroked his shaft. You could feel your wetness seeping through your underwear as you sent him into a climax, his seed spurted up and he let out a grunt as he tilted his head back, you let out a breathless laugh. "Damn..." he breathed, his cock twitched in your hand.

"Did I do it right?" you asked.

"Oh, oh you did it right." He panted. "Come here, come here you-you made me feel so damn good... The least I can do is-is return the favor." his eyes burned into yours "I can tell you're wet Sweetheart, just lay down, and let me take care of that for you." he growled, you gave a shaky nod as you slowly lay down. The stubble of his neck tickled you as he spread your legs open, sliding off your panties. "So wet..." he muttered, you just bit your lip and nodded.

You gasped when he worked his magic, your breathing got heavier and heavier as he caused you to climax. He gasped as he drew back, laughing.

"So eager..." he panted.

"Sweetheart, don't apologize." he pulled you in close and kissed you on the forehead.

"I-I'm inexperienced-" you stammered.

"I'm not," he reminded you, his hand went down in between your legs again, and you let out a sigh as you spread your legs. "And Sweetheart, you're a quick learner... Killed all those men, I-I'm impressed." he pulled you into a kiss, you pulled back and sighed.

"Y-You are?" you asked.

"I am," he answered, pulling you into another kiss.

"MOTHER FUCKER-" Wade screamed, kicking up dirt.
Peter sighed as he looked around "Why didn't he just kill us?"
"That pretty lady's making him soft," Wade muttered.

"Yeah-" Peter paused.

"What-" Wade started.

"Shut up." Peter looked out on the horizon, his eyes widened at the group of men that were galloping towards them. "Get down."

"Get down!" he snapped, tackling Wade to the ground. Wade smirked as Peter lay on top of him.

"Well Petey, you should have just asked-" Wade got cut off by Peters's hand covering his mouth. Wade wiggled his nonexistent eyebrows and Peter rolled his eyes.

"Rattlers," Peter muttered, Wade's eyes widened. "They're on the move again... This isn't good."

"Shooting both of their horses seemed like overkill Boss-" one of the Rattlers started.

"That bitch wiped out half of our men, I think that I did the bare minimum. Horace!" Monty barked.

"Yes, boss?"
"Where is that train going?"

"New York City, Boss."
Monty smirked as he took a sharp right, his gang followed him.

"Uh, Boss I thought we were going-"
"There's a change of plans, we're just gonna go telegram an old friend." he grinned maniacally as he dug his spurs into the sides of his horse, it reared... And shot forward.

"I know this route," Otto muttered, you looked up from your sketchpad and raised an eyebrow.

"You do?" you looked outside "Where are we going?"
"Home." Otto laughed, what a coincidence. "We're going home."

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now