Quirky Lil' Cowboy AU

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"You can control them remotely?!" Wade exclaimed. "How long have you been able to do that?!"

"They actually work..." Otto muttered, you saw small devices in his hands, his brow furrowed in concentration as he controlled the actuators.

"This is what you've been working on?" you asked.

"Well they're merely experimental, it has mostly been maintenance but I figured I might give our two friends here a challenge seeing as they so rudely interrupted our journey-"
"To kill Monty Morgue?" Peter asked, he held his pistol at Otto's head, but you could tell that it was shaking.

"Yes," Otto responded, his finger hovering over a button.

"If anyone's killing Monty Morgue, it's us-" Wade started.

"No, it's me." you snapped.

"What do you have against him?" Wade asked.

"He slaughtered my family and burned my ranch to the fucking ground!"

"...Really Teya? A revenge plotline? WOW, HOW FUCKING ORIGINAL!" Wade screamed up at the sky, and Peter facepalmed.

You're making yourself look like a fool Wade.

"You're WRITING me like a fool!"
Do you want me to take off your right arm again? You can't grow it back don't test me.
"...Cold, real cold," Wade grumbled as he went back to face you. "What do you think Petey, should we let them go?"
"We are NOT letting them go!"

"Ok then, guess we'll have to just hang you." Wade sighed, and your eyes widened.

"Leave her out of this! I-I kidnapped her, had my way with her let her go!" Otto pleaded.

Wade snorted "Oh please Doc, we both know that you're a murderer... Not a rapist. Honorable that you're trying to protect her. Now, put the arm thingies away and let us arrest you. Or she gets it." Wade pointed his gun back at you, you glared at him. You didn't like being pushed around like this, you saw Otto give a slight nod at you.

"I saw that." Wade sighed as he pulled the trigger.


You ducked and scrambled up to the seat of the wagon, you heard gunshots as Otto's actuators fired back at the two men.

"GO!" Otto ordered, backing up to the wagon, his hands were a blur as he controlled the actuators.

You snapped the reins as you felt a bullet whiz past your ear, and your horses shot off without needing to be asked twice. You made a mental note to feed them extra once you escaped the law. You heard a thump! As Otto dove into the wagon, he muttered something under his breath as he buckled on his actuators, he tossed the controls aside and replaced them with pistols, you heard more gunshots... And then a sharp sting in your shoulder, you cried out in pain as the stinging sensation didn't leave your arm, you dared to look down and you gasped at the red that was blossoming across your sleeve... You got shot. Shit.

Wade and Peter shot after the two of you, but the cloud of dust that your wagon made got further and further away.

"...shit," Wade muttered.

"Where are our horses?" Peter asked.

"Ran off." Wade put his fingers in his mouth and let out a sharp whistle, their horses whinnied... But they were far away.

"We'll give them a head start, they can't run forever," Peter muttered as he reloaded his pistol.

"Gotta admit... He's fun to chase." Wade sighed.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now