Lebanese Rights or Something

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You woke up to the steady rumbling of a train. The first thing that you saw when you opened your eyes was a burlap sack. Your head spun as you tried to gather your thoughts. Y-You went to get supplies, and then-

"That was too close, Boss." a man muttered.

Your blood ran cold.

"We got what we came for." Morgue brushed him off, his voice was far too close for comfort.

"That fucking bird blinded Al and killed Jackie!"
"And I killed it, y'all knew what you signed up for-"
Did he say... kill? Did he-Where was Anne?

Your eyes widened in realization, before you could stop yourself, you let out a pained cry which was muffled by the gag around your mouth. He-He killed her! He took everything-

"So, my little lady's finally awake." Monty jeered.

You were suddenly blinded by a flash of light. You gasped for fresh air as your eyes got used to the brightly lit train car. Sun streamed through the windows. Monty knelt down and grinned his tobacco-stained teeth at you.

"You should've stayed dead, sweetheart." he cooed.

Your blood boiled at the new name. Only one person could call you that, and it was NOT him. Monty took off your gag, he trailed his filthy thumb down your lip, how dare he?! You lunged forward and tried to close your mouth around his thumb. If you could just bite him-

"Oh hoh!" he stepped back, chuckling. "You still have that fire!"

You grunted as you fell to the floor.

"I can't wait to tame you." he snarled in your ear, you swung your head back and managed to hit him square in the nose. Hot blood spurted out of his nose as he stumbled back. "You bitch!"

You felt a sharp pain on your side, he spat out curses as he staunched his bloody nose with a handkerchief. Your mouth felt as if it were full of sawdust as you tried to get your mouth wet enough to not sound as beat up as you felt when you finally spoke to him. You had to say something, he would not... tame you.

"I-I'm going to kill you." you snarled in a scratchy voice.

Monty gave a harsh laugh.

"You took EVERYTHING from me!" you fought back tears, you-you had done everything right, your family had done everything right... Anne had done everything right why did you all deserve this? No, no, you didn't deserve this. But, then why did it all happen? Why was this happening?
"No, I didn't take everything from you... Not yet, at least." he looked down at you. "You remind me of someone that I met a long, long time ago. You have that spark... You look like her too. I wonder if you taste like her..." he reached toward you and you immediately shied away.

"Don't touch me!" you snapped.

"Fine, be that way." Monty snapped his fingers, and you were knocked out again.

"You didn't see this woman?" Otto held up a very poorly sketched drawing of you.

"How the hell is anyone supposed to know who that is?" a man asked as he tightened the stirrups on his horse.

"Looks like my cousin, Denise." another man commented.

"Ain't she the one who got 'er face all fucked up by that mule?"

"Yes sir!" he cackled.

Otto scowled and stalked away from the two laughing men as he crumpled the drawing up, tossing it over his shoulder. He looked around as he lit a cigar, his foot tapped anxiously. Olivia eventually joined him, a similar look of frustration written all over her face,

"She might have gone back-" Olivia started.

"We got Morgue lookin' for us... Do you think that he-"

"No, no, they couldn't have gotten here so quickly. Were you followed?"
"I'm not sure-"
"You're not sure?! Jesus Otto-"

"I know! I know! I fucked up and now she's gone-"
"Did this lady have a golden eagle?"
Otto and Olivia turned around to see an Asian man holding up the crumpled sketch.

"Yes, yes, do you know where she is?" Otto asked, his voice desperate.

The man bit his lip and looked around. "...Follow me."

"What's your name exactly?" Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"...Hiroshi Fukuyana. And I'm probably going to regret this."

"No..." Otto stared at Anne's stiff body.

"And you said that he... took her?" Olivia asked.

"Yes-" the man started.

"Where did it go? Why didn't you stop them?" Otto snapped.

"It was a blood bath, did you not see the bodies?" the man asked.

Otto paused, he had been so busy looking for you that he didn't realize the blood-soaked streets and the bodies being carted out.

"They shouldn't be here." a woman snapped as she stepped out from behind the store counter.

"...Miss Song?" Otto breathed.

"Do I know you?" the woman raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, do you know this... working woman?" Olivia teased.

"If you want to call me a whore, just call me that... Liv. " the woman sneered.

"So, you remember me, Hana?"

"I also remember Ellie." Hana glared at Olivia.

Otto raised an eyebrow at Olivia's red face.

"You weren't supposed to walk in on-" Olivia started.

" You weren't supposed to fucking cheat on me!"

"If it makes you feel any better-"
"I don't want to hear it." Hana turned back to Otto. "Kingpin worked out a deal with Morgue, I don't know what he's getting out of it. But Monty wants you.

"How do you know all of this?" Otto asked.

"You don't want to know."

"You really agreed to be his-" Olivia muttered.

Hana laughed "You think that I agreed?" she gestured to the store. "Do you think that the bank would take a loan out on us? This is all that we know-"
"That's not true," Hiro muttered.

"Nobody trusts you to heal them, and FIsk is the only one who would hire me to... take care of people-"
"I don't have time for this! Are you going to turn me in? Or were you just going to show me her dead bird that she... Oh god, did she see-"
"I don't know."
"That fucking monster." Otto's voice shook as he stared down at your former best friend.

"...Dr. Connors is turning you in. Now get out, before you get us killed." Hana grumbled.

Otto sighed as he picked up Anne, Olivia was already out the door. This encounter with Hana had reopened old wounds. Otto turned to leave-

"I remember you," Hana called out after him.

"You do?" he turned around.

"Yes, I do." she hesitated before continuing. "Your sister was better."

Otto considered that, "Do you have anything else to say?"

She shook her head, and Otto sighed.

"Normally, I would be angry at that... But I'm not."

"You really like this girl, don't you?"
"I do... Take care of yourself." Otto tipped his hat, and left the general store.

"What do we do now?" Olivia asked, handing him an already lit cigar.

He took a long drag and sighed.

"I visit Curt tonight."

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now