I Know That Y'all Hate Me

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Ottos' bruised face looked up at Monty Morgue, who gave a smug smile at him.

"How nice to see you again, Doc." he jeered. Otto spat blood onto the polished marbled floors, and Morgue sighed. "Hattie just polished that."

"I gave you what you wanted, now where the hell-" Kingpin started.

"All in good time Fisk, all in good time." Morgue cut him off. "I told you that we were going to have a celebration tonight, and that's what we're going to have. We'll discuss those boring business details after. Speaking of celebration, my... other special guest-"
"Where is she?!" Otto snapped.

"Shut up." Morgue waved him off. "She needs a... ladies touch." he looked at Hana, who was Fisks plus one. She gave a small nod. "Hattie's already got your bags in her room." he gestured to an older woman in a maid uniform, who gestured for Hana to follow her, Hana shot Otto a glance as she passed him. And he could only hope that she was going to get you out.

"Make him... presentable," Monty ordered, two of his thugs nodded. They grunted as they got Otto to his feet, it took every ounce of willpower to not run after Hana and Hattie. But he just had to play along, just a little bit longer.

You woke up to the rattling of the doorknob, your wrists and ankles were raw from the rope digging into your flesh. You weren't tied to the bed anymore... You stared at the doorknob, hopefully, he wasn't drunk, he was... So much rougher when he was drunk. You had lost track of time, you... you were so tired, so... damaged. Your whole body was screaming at you to give up, but you still had the burning hatred in your soul, and no matter how much Morgue tried to quench it... You weren't going to die until you made him suffer, you made him have a slow, painful, agonizing death. Maybe he would take off the gag... Maybe you could finally–

"Dear god..." Hana muttered as she stepped inside, holding her bags. Hattie gave a sad look at you. You remember her giving you a cookie when Morgue wasn't around... You didn't blame her for not doing anything, you knew what he could do. Hana dropped the bags and rushed over to you, she took out a hairpin from her hair, and you saw that it was secretly a dagger. She muttered something in a foreign language as she cut your restraints and your gag. You let out a sigh of relief as you rubbed your raw areas, your mouth was yet again filled with sawdust.

"Mr. Morgue wants her... marks to be covered, and to wear the outfit in the closet for tonight... He intends to show her off." Hattie said.

Hana whipped around, her eyes ablaze "I will not-"
"I said the same thing, dear... Do you have people you love?"

Hana didn't answer that.

"I did, just... do as he says." Hattie looked as if she wanted to say something else, but she shook her head sadly, walking away.

"What did he do to you?" Hana asked, locking the door.

Your lip trembled as you looked down at your shaking hands. "...Things." you finally said in a raspy voice. If you were being honest, your mind had managed to block out most of it for you, but not all of it. "I need to kill him."

"You're going to... Otto's here-"
"He is?" you looked up, did he really come for you?

"He's... captured. But he's been very... compliant. He has something planned, I know that much." Hana squeezed your hand "And even if he somehow doesn't, I'm getting you out of here."
"Thank you... What-What do we do?"
"Play the game, for now, let's get you cleaned up."

You let out another relieved sigh, you hadn't had a bath in god knows how long. Hana went into the bathroom and turned on the water. You watched her, but your mind was somewhere else. Otto was here, but why did Monty want him here, alive? He had been telling you the countless ways that he was going to kill him, so why didn't he just-
No, I didn't take everything from you... Not yet, at least. Monty's voice rang in your head. He was planning to kill Otto at the party, right in front of you.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now