I've Been Waiting To Drop This Chapter

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Your lip curled in disgust as you stepped out of the train car, you held onto Otto to steady yourself as you looked up at the drab, dreary, concrete jungle that was New York City. Otto took a deep breath in, you followed him and went into a coughing fit. He laughed. "Well Sweetheart, this is the big city ." he lit a cigar and took a long drag, he held it out in the air... And then realized that his actuators weren't there to hold it for him.
"I hate it."

"It ain't for everyone, come on." he grabbed your hand and the two of you strode off, you tried to take everything in all at once, Anne was perched on your shoulder, and people stared at her. "Where can the bird go?" he asked.

"Her name is Anne." you reminded him. "And she's staying with us."

Otto exhaled as he took a sharp left, you looked down the gritty alley.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

He didn't answer as he rapped on a weathered door.

"Who the 'ell is it?!" a voice snapped.

"Magenta fields..." he trailed off, "Ah shit what was the rest of it..." he looked at you as if you would know the answer to whatever the hell he was doing.

"I don't know what kind of game-" the voice started.

"Magenta fields sang to me in the springtime!" Otto blurted out.

"...Otto fucking Octavius?" the voice questioned.

Otto let out a relieved sigh "That was the most idiotic password you had ever-" the door opened to reveal a tall, wiry-looking man cradling an iguana.

"Bloody hell..." he muttered as he tackled Otto into a hug. "Oh, you bastard! How long has it been? What, what ten years?"
"Yes, yes ten years... Is she here?" Otto peered over his shoulder.

"Hm? Your sister? Oh no she's still in your old lab or warehouse, whatever you call it."

"They haven't burned her at the stake yet?"

"They try, but at this point, even the police are too scared to take a step near-"

"I'm sorry... A sister? " you interrupted.

"Who's this?" the man looked you up and down, his eyes landed on Anne, who puffed up indignantly.

"Oh, where are my manners-"
"You never had any in the first place," he grumbled, Otto smacked him on the head.

"This is Dr. Curt Connors, we went to university together," Otto explained. "And this is Ms. L/N."

"And how did the two of you meet?" the man asked, his snakelike eyes bored into yours, you felt a shiver up your spine.

"He saved my life." you stammered, "A-And we're hunting Monty Morgue."
"Well you're not going to find him here I can tell you that." Curt laughed as he ushered the two of you inside. "Come, come I'll get some tea going."
"We need to go meet Liv Curt-" Otto started.

"Oh please now because you're some gun-slinging outlaw in the Wild West you can't have an academic discussion with an old friend?" Curt asked as he plopped down on an armchair.
"I thought you said it would just be tea-"
"What, has the West made you dull?" Curt pointed to a couch and smirked.

Otto sighed as he sat down "On the contrary..." he began to ramble on to Curt, you had heard this one lecture before, he was rambling on about the wonders of the railroad. You found it funny that one of the most dangerous men in America was such a dedicated intellectual if you could say anything in a more sympathetic light. Your eyes started to look around the room you were in. You saw hundreds of taxidermied reptiles along the wall, and there were even more alive reptiles. All lined up in display cases.

Burn It All Down (Western AU)-Doc Ock (Raimi) x AFAB Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن