Chapter 16 - tornado

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- Third POV -

Iroh and Zuko are sitting on straw maths, their stolen ostrich horse lying behind them. A cart with masks for sale passes by in front of them; one of the masks is seen to be a blue mask. As the cart passes, another pedestrian walks in front of Iroh. Iroh holds his hat out to the pedestrian and begins to talk to him.

"Spare coins for weary travelers?" Asks Iroh as the pedestrian tosses a couple of copper pieces into Iroh's hat as Zuko turns to Iroh in anger.

"This is humiliating! We're royalty! These people should be giving us whatever we want" Snaps Zuko angrily with his arms folded.

"They will if you ask nicely" Replies Iroh casually as a woman strolls past.

"Spare change for a hungry old man?" Asks Iroh. The woman gives him a coin.

"Aw, here you go" Says the woman.

"The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile!" Grins Iroh while Zuko slaps his forehead in frustration as the woman giggles and walks away. As soon as she walks away, a man with dual broadswords on his back wanders up to Iroh and Zuko.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for...a gold piece?" Exclaims the man.

"We're not performers" Scoffs Zuko while Iroh stands up.

"Not professional anyway. It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the city, they look so pretty~!" Sings Iroh.

"Come on, we're talking a gold piece here! Let's see some action!" Snaps the man as he withdraws his swords, earning a glare from Zuko.

"Dance!" The man begins to slice the ground near Iroh's feet; Iroh jumps up and down to 'dodge' the attacks while Zuko struggles to control his anger at the man. Multiple citizens have stopped to watch the spectacle.

"They kiss so sweet that you really got to meet the girls from Ba Sing Se~!" Sings Iroh.

"Ha, ha! Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner! Here ya go!" Laughs the man as he tosses a gold coin onto the ground and walks away. Zuko glares at the man in anger and humiliation.


Appa is flying through a gray sky over a large forested area. It's covered somewhat by fog, and looks rather menacing. Sokka is looking at the sky, bored, while Katara studies a waterbending scroll. Aang stares at the swamp, and seems to be in a trance. Sokka notices how they're slowly flying down and looks at Aang.

"Hey, you taking us down for a reason?" Asks Sokka. However, Aang doesn't seem to hear him and continues to stare at the swamp.

"Aang! Why are we going down?" Upon hearing his name, Aang snaps out of the trance.

"What? I didn't even notice" Says Aang confused while Appa is flying down towards the swamp.

"Are you noticing now?" Replies Sokka sarcastically.

"I know this is going to sound weird, but I think the swamp is calling to me" States Aang, who still seems to be somewhat dazed by the swamp.

"Is it telling you where we can get something to eat?" Asks Sokka, who's hungry.

"No, I...I think it wants us to land there" Answers Aang.

"No offense to the swamp, but I don't see any land there to land on" Shrugs Sokka. Katara looks at Mizuki, who's eyes are slightly glowing.

"Uhm, Mimi?" Mumbles Katara.

"I don't know. Bumi said to learn earthbending I would have to wait and listen, and now I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?" Points out Aang. Katara waves her hand in front of Mizuki's face, but gets no response.

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