Death Gamble

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(Before You Read This...I Would Highly Recommend...That You Guys Should Read 'Meeting The DEAD' Again...Cuz, This Chap Might Confuse You) (If You Are New, Then No Need, Like Reading This After Some Months, Then it's Fine!)

Yooo! It's Your Boy PikaBoy! And This Chap Is Written By @Shadow9469
I Am Super Excited Myself!
Let's Begin The Chap!

Location: Sinnoh region
Time: 6:10 AM

The morning was cold for them... Not because of the temperature but the fear they were feeling.. All of them.. Even Paul who was stoic among them seemed concerned about whatever was happening... The last day was a disaster... Indeed an apocalypse...

"I wonder where is Mom... She would be fine, right?" Dawn asked Ash who intently stared  to look outside through the blinds, looking at the half dead corpses walking down the field in front of them and the massive generator opposite to them..

"....." He couldn't bring himself to answer her... Were they fine? Was his mom fine? He couldn't lie but neither could he leave her as she was.. No one was in sight for miles... Barry was still asleep and he didn't wanted him to wake up and yell 'I am gonna fine you..' That will draw all their attention to them...

"Are the devices charged?" Distraction was best for Dawn... He asked her who pulled out his device and tossed it toward him... The light won't last long too... It was all backup and would die in a day or two... Which mean all the vending machines would die too, all food supply will be gone... They needed to get out but how?

His device pinged.. It was a very subtle sound but he felt all head turn to his direction... He froze... 'Don't move..' He told himself cursing whoever sent him the message slowly leaning against the wall.. Good thing it was a one way mirror...

'You still alive?'

He looked and had a good urge to strangle Drew who sent him the message... Typing some curses and 'Yes! I am alive!' he sent the text... A picture came.. This fucker talking more in memes than text..

'Don't fuck around bushhead.. I will rip that cabbage off your head if you do that again... Internet Will go down in hours.. We need to regroup...' Paul's reply came seconds later... He looked at Dawn who motioned to Barry who was finally awake with grumbling stomach...

"Man I had a weird dream... We were in a apocalypse and gah.. Whatever.. I am gonna fine all of those zombies.. They ruined my..." Ash slammed his head against the wall hearing footsteps outside thier room... "Do you wanna die by me or them?" He asked him.. Barry's eyes widened.. That wasn't a dream...

'Did smartass figured something out?' Miette's reply made him wonder how long will the group last even if they form.. He leaned against the wall next to Dawn who was chatting with May on a personal space... He ignored it standing up...

'Yup.. I just figured, we need a bait to get out and Miette is perfect.. Lets throw her...' Gary replied in a second...

'Of course not bitch....' Miette replied

Ash gripped his device and stood up... 'You are in second floor right above the room we are in.. Right purple head? Get to the window... Take a good look and tell me what you see...' He messaged Paul who gripped the metal bat he had and leaned next to the window and looked outside.. His gaze lingered on the bus...

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