An Unexpected Meeting and An Unexpected Event...

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Yo! Sup it's your boy, PikaBoy... and I am back with a new chap.. this one will be small and uh yeah.. hmm.. I have been watching zombie series' all over Netflix..and I found so many kind.. so yeah.. more cool stuff are coming up.. so, let's begin the chap now

(The music is optional.. play it if you want..)( And, read slowly)

Ash's POV

I opened my eyes only to find myself in darkness.. "Now what the hell is this place.." I thought to myself

"Wake up to reality.." I heard a deep voice but for some reason it kinda felt familiar..

"Huh? What the—? " I mumbled

"It seems you have came back to your senses.." said the voice again..

"Wha-? Who?" I asked in confusion

"It's me.." said the voice.. this time in an annoyed manner..

"Alright, whoever you are... just show yourself.. I don't have time for the likes of you" I yelled in thin air

"Hasty one.. eh? well then.." said the voice in casual manner.. as a figure appeared..The figure walked to me...

The figure walked to me

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he smirked at me.. but I wasn't able to utter a the sight..

"Hello there, it's nice to meet you.. Ash..." said the figure..

"Wait wait wait.. what the hell is going on here?! First! How in the damn hell do you know my name?! Second, why do you look exactly like me?! and third, why the hell do you have the same voice as me?! Is this a fucking dream?!" I yelled.

"Hmm, it obvious you would get confused... *rubbing back of his head* I assure you, it's no dream.. or maybe it is.. bah! Leave it! It's pretty complicated to explain actually, but.." he said as he stopped..and shrugged

"It's easy, if I explain you, in such a way, you will understand easily.. first of all, I am the same virus.. which causes people to go crazy *according to you*, whom you people call a zombie virus.. pretty cliche.. to be honest.." he cringed

"So, I am infected..after all.. heh.. well, it was obvious.. I must have, considering how my arm healed on it's own, but why didn't I turned? I am still lost here, in that part.." I asked to my shadow.. or my clone..or the virus or whatever it was..

"Quite simple, you had a strong desire to survive, to save your friends, to kill the guy who bit you and other stuffs.. you know human feelings and shit.. I was in that man's body for while, and now.. you are my new vessel, Ash.." said the clone Ash while counting his he stopped and gave a smirk to me..

"Alright.. This shit is seriously creeping me out! WTH?! Is this some kind of anime or fanfic..or some shit like that, what the fuck's going on here?!" I thought to myself..

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