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Yo! It's your boy PikaBoy.. Same as earlier...it's a filler. we will see how Ash, Gary and Friends Spent time together... so let's begin! (If u wish, u may skip)

Gary's POV

"Hey!! Sup fellas! It's me! The most popular, lady killer, the best young man to ever exist! Gary Oa-.." I was introducing myself, for the annual sports day..as an anchor kinda guy..on the stage..but..before I could finish my sentence..I got interrupted..

"GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK!!!" Yelled the entire place..except few..people

As I bowed with a smirk.. "heh, I am super popular" I thought with pride

I saw my friends to give me weird looks from their seats..

"Hehe" I grinned..

"So, you are good? With that insult?" asked Ash while taking a sip from his drink

"Huh? What are u talking about..?" I asked *confused*

"Well, everyone called you with your famous nickname.." Drew replied

"So isn't that a nice thing!? I am popular!" I exclaimed

"Pathetic" Paul commented

"And Paul said, I was an idiot.." Drew said in the middle of the conversation

"That you certainly are, but Gary is acting more dumb today..." Paul said slightly snickering..

Drew sighed in depression while Ash consoled him..

"Hah!? I am totally fine!" I said

"No, you do—.." Trip was saying but he got interrupted by a voice

"What u boys are doing here?" asked ???

"Oh, Misty, hey.." Ash greeted

I turn around to see, Misty.. she's a year older than us..but she acts nice..and.. well she's strong.. so better not mess with her..

"Heya Ash! Long time no see! How have u been?" Said Misty with energy

"I am doing fine.." said Ash.. politely

"Good, Good.. how about u fellas?" Asked Misty

"Fine.." said Paul

"Yeah, I am doing great as well" said Drew

"It's nice so far.." said Trip..

"I am super happy today!" I said with excitement

"Yeah, of course you are.. after being insulted by the entire school.. good one.. Gary." Misty said..

"That's what we were trying to explain him.." said Drew..

"Oww..that hurts.." I said..

"Don't worry kiddo, you will do good...I hope..that.." Misty said the last part with narrowed eyes..

"Hey common! Put a little faith in me at least!" I half yelled..

All of them laughed at me..

Welp, the day went smoothly.. I guess...we had lots of fun.. Drew and May had an eating competition.. which May won of course.. Paul, Trip, Dawn and others were just seating..and having fun.. and the MC of the show, Ash Ketchum, played and sang lots of songs with his skills..and his trusty guitar..
'Huh?, you guys are wondering why I call my bestie the MC? Well it's pretty simple concept.. The best friend of MC is always cooler! Don't you think! If Ash is Naruto then I am Sasuke! Well maybe less grumpy, Hehe..'

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