"I Hate You, All..."

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Yo! It's your boy PikaBoy.. uh don't misunderstand the title.. it's just the name of the chap.. I mean.. you guys can see those inverted comas.. right? so, yeah.. anyways..this chap will be a little brutal and violent.. hmm.. tbh, it won't be that violent, cuz that's kinda out of my league... but I will try to make it as much as possible...why? Well, cuz tags says it is...haha.. So! Let us begin! *grins*

Miette's POV
12:10 AM in the midnight

"This is really pissing me off.. why the hell do we need to suffer all this!? the day I find who spread this virus.. he will get a nice beating..by me..." I thought as I sighed..

I looked at the others.. they were spending their time.. in the living room, while I was sitting in a corner.. *sigh* not like I can really do something.. with how many did we started again? Hmm.. Me, This hybrid guy, blue head, goofy girl, clown, Spiky haired idiot, Paul, another Paul, Rock guy, Alain, Sawyer, Tierno, Serena, Shauna, Trevor, Prof. Sycamore.. and now? We're only a few.. how many are there now? Me, Ash, Dawn, May, Drew, Gary, Paul, Trip, Alain and Brock.. we're alone now.. Prof. Sycamore, or any other adult is not here to support us..*sigh* now what?

"Hey, what are you doing alone here? All by yourself? Why not join us?" asked Ash with a smile.. who just came down..from upstairs..

"I don't wanna speak with a zombie, when you could eat me any moment.." I said as I looked at his arm.. which was tore off by the monster.. it has almost.. regenerated itself.. only the palm..is left.....

"Haha, you are right.. I should probably leave you guys alone.. for now.." Ash said, he must have taken it in a negative way as he looked at me one last time and nodded with a small smile.. then went back..upstairs.. Trip followed him.. not before cursing me under his breath..I couldn't hear it though

Most of them glared at me...while some of them looked at me..as if I did something wrong..

"What? Why are u guys looking at me like that..?" I asked..

"How could you say something like that to him!? Because of him we're alive right now!" Drew yelled at me..

"Shut it salad head.. I don't wanna hear a word out of your mouth" I said with a cold voice..

"What did u say? You little bitc—.." Drew was about yell..

"Drew, stop.. she's not in the right mind now.. we have already faced a lot for the day.. so let's not have a fight now.. I think we all should rather rest up" Brock interrupted..as he tried to stop the fight.. "playing smart, huh?" I thought in my mind..

"Are u taking her side? Huh Brock?!" Drew yelled..

"Wha..? no, being the oldest here.. I think it's pointless for us to fight.. as Ash always says.. 'Power lies in number'.." Brock explained..

As everyone started to leave..someone suddenly pulled my hair tightly..I looked back to find it was Gary.. he still didn't let it go.. so I started..

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" I yelled at him

"Apologise to Ash.. right now.." He said..in rather cold voice.. without showing his eyes..
(Ya' know.. when anime characters head's upper part goes black and you can't see there eyes)

"Huh?! Why should I!? He's one of them now! He's a damn monster now! He is—.." I kept yelling as I got interrupted by a hard slap on my face.. I could feel it.. I could feel the pain, on my face.. a handprint of his hand must have been printed on my face...

"Ouch!" "Oh shit!" "Gary!?" Yelled all of them..

I touched my cheek.. then looked at him.. "what's wrong with you!? You psychotic asshole!?"

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