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So We Fucked Up...Yeah, Well...As Shadow Wrote.. Things Kinda Got Messy...So I Had To Edit The Previous Chap A Little.. So Check That Out.. Also... Here's A Preview...Play The Vid...It's Will Give The Vibe...Dattebayo!

Location: Sinnoh region
Time: 6:10 AM

The morning was cold for them... Not because of the temperature but the fear they were feeling..
(Scene Change)
"Watch me bitches.." Ash thought to himself
(Scene Change)
"This guitar won't survive..." Trip said..
(Scene Change)
"I hope you forgive me for my sin God.. I am about to be there...." Drew mumbled
(Scene Change)
"CLOSE THE DOOR..." Alain yelled
(Scene Change)
"Power lies in number..."
(Scene Change)
"Fuck... This isn't funny anymore... We all are gonna die..." They thought


Did That Sounded Cool? No? Okay...UPDATE!

Anyways...So, Miette Being The First Girl To Recover In Paul's Group, Messaged Her Other Friends...

It Seems They Are Alive... They Were Alain, Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer Etc...And Prof. Sycamore Was With Them...

Everyone Got In #general And Discussed The Plan...That How They Are Gonna Meet Up With Ash In His Location...


As The Journey Continues

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