Lemme Clarify Somethin' Pt.2

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So, umm, I will just cut right to the chase...

The Crew and their Ages...(present time)
Ash is 16
Dawn is 15 and half
May is 16
Miette is 15
Gary is 16
Paul is 17
Drew is 15
Trip is 16 and half
Brock is 18
Alain is 16

Now, others.. like other people in the story..

Delia is uh..38
Lance is 27
Red is 22
Leaf is 21
Blue is 22
Calem is 18
and.. yeah.. I guess that's all for now..

Ya' know? You guys could really suggest me something.. so if u got something in mind.. pls don't hesitate.. I would love to check 'em out.. and yeah.. bye for now!

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