Author's Note...

39 6 6
                            's PikaBoy.. and today I am not in the mood... I am kinda broken today...
(No, my crush didn't rejected me, and I don't even have a crush [in irl only, maybe there are few in anime world 😅] so, don't get in that conclusion..)

Anyways, I wanna announce, that the updating will be slightly slower.. than my usual...
Well, the school reopened.. so, not like I can do much... you may think that there are people who write even after having so many chores in their daily life.. well I am not one of them.. I am kinda Lazy.. ya' all know... so that's all...

And next chap will be interesting.. I promise...


Aiden: .........
Me: .........
Shadow: Well then, I guess it's goodbye for now... see you later in the next chap...
Me & Aiden: thanks..🤞


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