Flaming Bloodbath...

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Yooo! It's Your Boy PikaBoy! and I am back with a new chap! So let's begin!
Ash's POV...

6:20 AM in the morning

I followed Dawn, to the roof.. when...I reached at top, I found her spacing out and staring down..

'Maybe, she's depressed.. just like Tierno was..' I thought and called her "Hey, what are you doing up here?"

She looked at me, she stood there like that for few sec, then started to come close, and close.. and finally, hugged me...

I was kinda taken back by the embrace..

"Hey, what happened?" I asked with a slight blush..

"Ash..." she said.. with broken voice?

"I am scared..."

My eyes widened and I thought 'Is she? No no.. That can't be.. she was safe with us..

Then, I asked "Scared?! Why? Is something wrong?"

She hugged me more tightly... and said.. "I think, I am pregnant.."

"Huh? What the f-...!?"

(Ok, that was a joke, you guys should have expected that, 😂😂)

She hugged me tightly... and said.. "I am frequently having nightmares.."

"Heh?" Alright, That confused me.. why she's scared.. and nightmares? now I am clueless, like literally, I don't know what to do so I gave her a tight hug in return.. as she started to sob.. my hoodie kinda got wet.. but that didn't matter to me.. for now I just wanted to comfort her...I patted her back, in order to calm her down..

As she started to calm down.. I broke the hug and looked at her eyes.. they were puffed..
With tears were all over her face... I asked.. "What's it all about? If u don't mind me asking..share it with me.."

"It's just... it's just.. I see, all of us being left by you.. more of us getting killed, I don't know.. but you had some kind of dragon beside you.. your left eye was red and, and half of your face was covered in black.. There were other people and 2 other weird looking creatures.. I don't understand anything! Why is this happening to us!? Why... just why...?" She said.. with pauses and a broken voice..

I looked at her eyes and said "Look, I will never leave you, nor anyone will die..and we will get to the end of this.. together.. I promise.."

"Really, you think we can make it out of here...alive?" She asked...

"Of course, as long as, I am with you, nobody can harm you, promise..." I said to encourage her

She smiled...blush was clearly visible on her face..as she hugged me yet again. *BUT*

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

'of course' I thought as I turned around to find the entire group, looking at us...with star eyes, (except Paul, Alain, Brock And Sycamore) out of nowhere they picked out 10/10 sign and Trip announced "and The Best Couple Award goes to... Ash and Dawn!"

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