Friends Forever! and some BurningLeafShipping

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Aiden: Sup! It's Aiden! and Yeah, PB's out.. somewhere.. idk and idc.. so I thought why not I write a chap! I am sure, that I am way better than him.. it's obvious! Cuz I am The Great Aiden after all! The champion of Galar and more! But.. I don't think he'll allow me to write a canon chap... he will delete it in an instant if he finds out.. but idc! Fk, him! so I will write a flashback chap!!!

In this chap we'll see.. how Ash, Gary, Red, Leaf and a certain someone parted their ways.. but as I am writing it.. and I ain't gonna be lazy like your fav author.. so I will make it as big as possible! Maybe 500 words! What do you think?! That has to be one of the largest chaps out there!
Shadow: *narrowed eyes* it seems, you are even more lazy than PikaBoy is...
Aiden: alright alright, I will try upto 1500+ words..😑😑happy?
Shadow: Why, yes..
Aidan: *puts on headset* *starts music* *smirks* Alright! Then let's begin!
Shadow: I can help you.. if you want me to..
Aiden: That would be appreciated!

(6 years and few months ago, than present)

3rd person POV

-by Aiden.. the best writer..

There were hundreds of places he had been to since his childhood.. Hoenn, Unnova, Alola, Galar.. Every place had its own uniqueness which made it stand out from the other one... Every region had unique people he loved to befriend but none of it could hold a candle against his home pallet town... No other place came close to that... The feeling of homeliness it gave comforted Ash... The world famous Oak ranch and the owner of the ranch themselves made this town popular..
The world famous Oak ranch was in the elevated lands in the middle of the town... Not a lot of people lived there aside from a few families which shifted during the great pandemic a few centuries before... The soil and water supply gave them a reason to stay and they settled there... Pallet town was a small beautiful town but they have their own disadvantage... It was the kinda town where rumors travelled faster than light so you got to bear with, one time Prof. Oak was rumored to be a pervert who peeks in women's bathroom.. which is definitely a lie.. or, maybe not...

Right now, It's 7am in the morning and few loud thud of doors could be heard from certain directions.. the schools are closed.. cuz it's vacation time.. so..yeah..

The neighbourhood thought "ahh shit.. here we go again.."


"Alright! Is everyone here?!" Declared little girl with a white hat.. who was non other than lil' Leaf.. by the looks of her.. anyone could guess she was of age 12..

"Yeah! We are all here! Except Ash and Gary!" Exclaimed a spiky haired guy quite similar to Gary..but it wasn't Gary!

"" A small sound came from a boy with a red cap...

"Aww, common Red.. chin up!" Said the spiky haired boy

"I am fine, Blue.. so what are we doing today?"

"We're playing lots of games!... haha! Just let the two arrive!" Lead declared...

"Seriously Green? again? we ain't kids anymore" Asked Red to Leaf..

"Of course.." she said...

And Red got triggered...

While the 2 kids argued Blue looked at them with a nervous smile


Few mins later..

Two lil' boy arrived too..

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