Soul And Body...

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Yo! It's Your Boy! PikaBoy! And..I Am Gonna Continue The Chaps...So Let's Begin...
And I Have Decided Something...I Will Try To Stop Writing In Capital Letters Like That...Yeah, that's all...So! let's begin! (Special Thanks To Synthetic_Cheddar in this chap. Well, he helped me in the virus name, so yeah!)

"Then I will go..." Sycamore declared...

"But..." They tried to argue

"I am your teacher... This is my responsibility... We will be on it after you all will be fine... Sawyer. Please turn the radio on..." All that they heard was a reporter screaming and it was down.. The national station was down... They didn't knew what to do...

"Then I will go too.. Power lies in number..." Ash declared with Gary who looked at each other

"Don't chicken out..." Ash said with a smile

"Haah. As if I would Ashy boy... Same to you..." said Gary with a smirk

Both of them lightly snickered...

And with that they got their mission two... Get key from the driver and return ALIVE..

"Alright, then...I will control the Zombies, to lure them away from you guys" declared Sawyer...

"Be careful, don't get us killed" joked Gary

Sawyer gave a nervous smile..

"Now, kids...let's go" exclaimed Sycamore

"Eh, Sure" said Gary..

Dawn gave Ash a 'be safe' look... which didn't go unnoticed by May... May grinned..
as she has a new topic to tease her bestie..

Alain opened the door, and said "message me, if u need my assistance"

Ash gave a nod.. As the 2 boys and the teacher went out...

(Scene Change)

We see, the entire town is down.. with zombies.. choppers are flying, all around the city, and in this mess.. A government agent, named Lance was investigating, how did all this happened...

"2 days, and it has already spread around the entire city.." He thought

"Lance, are you okay?" Spoke the earpiece in his ear
(You know, those earphone thingy, yeah that)

"Yeah, somehow" Lance replied

"Are you bit?" The voice asked

"No, of course not.." Lance replied

"Alright, then head to the HQ of sunnyshore.. According to our research... these zombies appeared there for the very first time..."

Lance Wataru, the bravest individual in his group.. He has taken on the most dangerous missions anyone could think of and managed to finish those without any fails.. Right now, He's assigned in a mission to find out how this virus spread..

Lance wore a black vest on a black t-shirt. The clothes prickled his body from the sweating he was doing... He never once in life was a fan of tight clothing but it was necessary here... All the rustling of his cape could easily get him killed... They were sound sensitive... So, he must be silent as much as possible...

Wave Of UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora