Chapter 2

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     After I told someone, I'm guessing Sam, I heard something fall, which I think was the phone, and two people talking. Then I hear the phone being picked back up. I girl's voice came through.

"Say something only sam and his sister would know." The girl's voice said.

"W-when I was 9 and S-sam was 11 we went to an a-amusment park with our o-older c-cousins and when we went on one ride that m-made S-sam throw up on, a-and the r-rest of us just l-laughed," I respond, while shivering, and laughing remebering that moment.

"Y-y/n, is that really you?" I hear Sam ask.

"Y-yes," I say with a smile, I hear him start to cry.

"Where are you?,'' He asked.

"O-on the s-side of the s-street," I respond getting more cold.

"Why?" He asked, I could here the worry in his voice.

"Because I-i'm..... i'm" I couldn't say it, I didn't want him to be disapointed in me for being homeless.

"Why Y/N, just say it," Sam says, trying to get me to say it.

"Becasue I'm homeless" I rush out the words.

"What why?" Sam asks.

"Because I got k-kicked out of my a-appartment bacause I c-couldn't pay rent," I say, as it starts getting colder out.

"Where are you? I'm picking you up" Sam says, getting into protective mode.

"I'm a-at R/N cafe, please h-hurry," I get out as is was getting to cold out for me to talk.

"I'm coming right now" Sam says and the call ends.


Sam and Colby X reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang