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DEATON: I guess it's just you and me...

DEATON: I take it you don't believe the official story about nuclear radiation?

VADIM: This is not a nuclear plant.

DEATON: Do you know what it is? Or what it was used for?

VADIM: I know the rumors. Superstition.

DEATON: What does that say?

VADIM: "They come." "They come for all of us."

DEATON: The men in the masks?

VADIM: Yes. Like these.

DEATON: What was the story?

VADIM: They say they never took off the mask. Some people believed they had no faces underneath. But they had a symbol... The snake that eats itself.

DEATON: The Ouroboros. Like that one?

VADIM: What are those?

DEATON: Failed experiments.

VADIM: On children?

DEATON: Fetuses. These were done in the womb.

VADIM: Is that a claw?

DEATON: No... It's a tooth. I think I found what I'm looking for.

VADIM: What is that?

DEATON: An answer. We should leave here. We should leave now.

DESERT WOLF: Easy, Doctor. I know you have skills, but I'm pretty sure I can shoot faster than you could hit.

DESERT WOLF: Do you know who I am?

DEATON: I know what you're called... The Desert Wolf.



SCOTT: There's no scent. No tracks. No way to find 'em.

MALIA: But Liam can howl back, right?

SCOTT: Only if he heard me...


STILINSKI: I haven't been able to reach the kids, either.

STILINSKI: I thought you said, you, uh, you had a situation...?

MELISSA: Yes, but... complicated. If you come in, I need you to leave your badge at the door.

STILINSKI: Uh... literally or figuratively?

MELISSA: Both would be preferable.

STILINSKI: Melissa, I... I've set my badge aside a few too many times in the last couple of weeks.

MELISSA: Well, you may need to do it a few more, considering what our kids get into in their free time.

MELISSA: So, do you want to come in or not?

STILINSKI: Has anyone seen Kira tonight?

MELISSA: You don't think she did this, do you? Could this have something to do with Scott? Some kind of message being sent?

STILINSKI: [over radio] Dispatch, this is Sheriff Stilinski. I got a one-eight-seven at 821 Williamson Road. Notify Beacon Hills Memorial.

STILINSKI: There's a dead girl in your kitchen with a sword sticking out of her chest! What did you think I was gonna do?

MELISSA: You know it wasn't Kira!

STILINSKI: This is murder! This kid-- this child-- has a family. What, am I supposed to just cover that up? This is a crime... And it's my responsibility to handle it within the parameters of the law.

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