Empires SMP incorrect quotes

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Just like what the title says.

Gem: *shows fingers* I am THIS close to punching you.
Fwhip: Your fingers are touching..
Gem: Exactly.

Lizzie: Are you free this Sunday at 8 pm Scott?
Scott: Yeah, why?
Lizzie: How about you Jimmy?
Jimmy: Uh, sure.
Lizzie: Great! Cause I'm not. Enjoy your date!
Jimmy: Did she just-

Pearl: Sausage, you almost died!
Sausage: You call it a near death experience, I call it a vibe check from God.

Katherine: Okay everyone, remember. Violence is not the answer.
Pearl: Yes you are right Katherine..
Katherine: Next lesson-
Pearl: Violence is the question!
Katherine: Pearl-
Pearl: And the answer is yes!
Katherine: Pearl NO-

Joel: When have I done anything rash or irresponsible?
Lizzie: We have a list
Jimmy: Do you wanna hear it chronologically or alphabetically? 

Joey: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or False?
Lizzie: What?

Lizzie: Here you go, a nice hot cup of coffee! 
Joel: It's not hot
Lizzie: Nice cup of coffee
Joel: Doesn't taste nice
Lizzie: Cup of coffee
Joel: Is this coffee?
Lizzie: Cup

Pixl: So where are you from?
Joel: England
Pixl: Which part?
Joel: The whole body.

Fwhip: We need a distraction
Shrub: Who here is good at jumping up and down and making loud noises?
Joey: My time has come

Scott: I have no heart. Love is for fools. I'm a badass ***** that don't need no one in my li-
Jimmy: *exists*
Scott: Well, dammit.

Sausage: *plays guitar*
Shrub: Hey do you take requests?
Sausage: Um, sure.
Shrub: Stop.
Sausage: *plays louder just to annoy her*

Jimmy: I wanna see a butterfly
Lizzie: We're indoors
Joel: *yeets a piece of butter*

Shrub: Remember when you told me to lick the swing set?
Katherine: No I told you "Don't lick the swing set" and you said "Don't tell me what to do, Katherine" then you licked the swing set.

*unknown number calls*
Joey: Hello?
Xornoth: I see you.
Joey: Do I look good?

Pixl: Nothing in life is free
Joel: Adventure is free!
Katherine: Life is free!
Jimmy: Love is free!
Lizzie: Everything is free if you don't pay for it

Gem: There's no way I'm letting you do this stupid stuff-
Fwhip: Aww ;-;
Gem: -Without me 
Fwhip: ^_^

Sausage: Good morning
Gem: Good morning
Fwhip: Good morning
Scott: You all sound like robots, spice it up a bit.

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