A dream come true

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Summer was my favorite time of year, the salty air, the waves, and the fisher boys.

I've been at the summer house in cousins for about two weeks now and everything has been going amazing except for one thing. My feeling for Conrad have been confusing the hell out of me one second were fighting like dogs and another were dancing in the rain. So there's only one thing left to do figure this thing out.

I walked into the house from my late night swim alone. I always enjoyed swimming alone its when I can think and clear my head. I head to my room to take a shower but as I'm heading that way I bump into Conrad. Shit. "Shit i'm sorry I-I wasn't paying attention" I stutter my cheeks heating up. "that's alright y/n why the stutter" he smirks. "Shut up
connie" i smack his shoulder heading to my room to shower.

I start to think about my interaction with Conrad and get frustrated with myself. Why can't I just let him go he's never gonna feel the same way I do. I sigh louder than i should have but strip my clothes off and turn the shower on. I take my shower and as I get out I notice I forgot a towel. Fuck. I open the door a little to call for my mom. "MOM!!" "She's not here her and my mom went to country club" I hear Conrad say "Ugh" I say. "You know for someone so innocent you sure do cuss a lot". Did he just call me innocent I am not innocent . "And for someone so obsessed with cleanliness you would think you would put fresh towels in the bathroom. "Hey jere was the one who was supposed to do that, mom made us to do lists" he says in a sassy tone "whatever can you just get me a towel" "what's the magic word?". I roll my eyes "don't roll your eyes at me" he says teasing "please" "there you go was that so hard" "yes now get me a towel".

He walks away and returns with a tiny towel looks more like a hand towel than a towel and walks away. "ASSHOLE!" I say and I hear him chuckling but can't help but smile to myself. I cover up with the towel best I can and head to my room to get dressed. Once i'm dressed I decide to make myself some dinner. I eat dinner and head to the dock to relax. Once i'm in the zone I hear that familiar voice. "What ya doing out here so late?" "Do you not have anything better to do than bug me?" I tease "Nope" I smile " Well I always come out here at night to think" "about?" "you know stuff" i say hesitating knowing I come out here to think about Conrad without distraction. "uh huh sure".

We stare into each others eyes before he speaks again. I half smile still staring into his deep blue eyes. "y/n?" "yeah" "I'm glad you're here" and with that he walks away. I'm left alone on the dock flustered and confused. Was he about to kiss me? I needed answers. I went to bed that night but hardly slept thinking about Conrad. Does he feel the same way I do?

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes.  It was a tradition that every year on my birthday mom would make me mickey mouse shaped pancakes. I brushed my teeth and did light makeup before heading downstairs. "There she is!" jere said with a big grin on his face running up to me giving me a tight hug "thanks jere". "Happy birthday honey" "Thanks mom" I say hugging her. Everyone tells me happy birthday and we eat. After breakfast I open my gifts. Mom got me a journal and a beautiful dress. Jere got me a music box to one of our favorite 80s songs. Susanna got me a few clothes and a ring. But the best give of all was the gift Conrad gave me an infinity necklace. It was an inside thing. When we were kids he learned what infinity was and told me it was like our friendship. Infinity was forever infinite and so was my love for him.

The day went by pretty quickly as we hung out all day swimming and dancing to terrible songs on jeres playlist blasting through the speakers. As I headed up to bed I decided to thank Conrad for the gift. I reach his door and knock softly. I get no response so I call his name "Conrad?" still nothing. As I was walking away something told me to go in there and that's exactly what I did. " Conrad?". When I get inside I see him frantic panicking struggling to breath I rush over to him. "Conrad, hey hey are you okay tell me whats wrong" " No I cant I don't know i'm confused and and FUCK!" I flinch slightly at his tone but try to comfort him. "Connie its okay I'm here talk to me" I coach him over to the bed and rub his back trying to calm him down. "Its okay take some deep breathes" he hesitates but still does. "In" "out" "In" "out" he calm down some and start to speak. " I'm just really anxious about football and college I feel so pressured and mom will never be satisfied I can't please her y/n" "look at me your mom is proud of you she just wants whats best for you she'll get over the fact you quit football okay" "you are destined for great things connie please don't doubt yourself" he nods. " It's all gonna be okay I promise" I say as I'm still rubbing his back with his head on my shoulder.

He sits up and looks at me and my cheeks heat up "thank you" "of course" I get up to leave but he grabs my wrist "Wait!" I turn to look at him. " Will you stay with me I just don't wanna be alone right now please I need you" and my heart melts. We get into bed and turn off the lights. I feel at ease with him next to me. This is how it should be. As I lay there I feel his hands graze over mine and am instantly filled with butterflies. He turns to face me " Is this okay?" i nod. He grazes my hands and arms and I shiver. Although its dark we can still see the silhouette of one another.

" I wanna kiss you so bad it hurts" i blush "what are you waiting for?" and with that he slams his lips into mine kissing me like he'd been waiting his whole life for it. Our mouths moves in sync and I let out a whimper as we pull apart. "Conrad?" "yeah" "I need you" "are you sure?" I nod. " No i need to hear you say the words" "yes Conrad just fuck me" he hesitates a moment then slams his lips against mine again pulling me on top of him as we make out. He grabs my hips as I grind on his crotch. He groans and I feel his dick get hard. I moan from all the friction. " God you have no idea how long i've wanted to do this" he says making me moan. He pulls his shirt off and reacher for mine yanking it off and stopping to admire my breasts. "Fuck your beautiful". He pulls me off of him so I can take his pants off . He stands up pulling his boxers off as I wait impatiently in my panties on the bed. Fuck he's huge. He crawls up to me and grabs my panties pulling them down violently throwing them who knows where. Once were both naked he grabs my thighs pulling me to the end of the bed. His dominance turning me on even more. He kisses my thighs grabbing them tightly. Then his kisses my core where I need him the most.  I stiffen "Just relax okay" and with that he kisses my clit and then starts sucking on it harshly. My hands fly to his hair tugging making him groan. "Fuck" I say. He does figure eights on my clit making me moan like crazy then he slips his tongue in and I arch my back. "Omg" He's eating me out like a fucking god. My moans are uncontrollable and I feel a knot in my stomach. I try to speak but can't it feels like i'm in a trance. "c-con" i manage. " I know baby I know". I feel my climax approaching but he pulls away. I whimper from the loss of contact and he gets on top of me and  says " I want to feel you when you cum" He places his dick at my entrance rubbing the tip on my clit. I moan now getting eager. " Please" i beg. "Your so fucking hot when you beg don't be too loud wouldnt wanna wake up anyone now would we" he smirks.

The summer I turned prettyWhere stories live. Discover now