I love you

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I head up to my room and get ready for bed. I wash my makeup off, moisturize and brush my teeth then change into some comfy clothes. Just as I'm about to crawl into bed I hear a faint knock at my door. I sigh, walk over to the door and open it. I'm shocked but not surprised to see Conrad standing in the doorway. "Hey y/n. Can I come in" I nod and he walks in. "What are you doing here?" I ask "I know i'm sorry I just wanted to apologize for how I acted tonight. I just got angry and I shouldn't have let things go that far" "but you did Conrad" " I know but just seeing that guy and knowing what he could have done to you I panicked" "Conrad I was fine I could have handled it" "y/n you shouldn't have to shit like that shouldn't even fucking happen. I'm sorry for getting into a fight but I'm not sorry for protecting you" "Conrad I don't need your protection" "I know you don't but you got it and if that bothers you well too bad". Why does everyone think i'm so fragile and need constant protection . "Why did you do it?" "because no one should talk to you like that". "Why does it bother you so much that I got in a fight with him anyway?" "It's not that what bothers me is that you kept hitting him when he gave up. It's like you lost control why couldn't you stop?." "I just couldn't " "Why? It doesn't make sense" "because I love you and seeing that guy grabbing you like that made me crazy. Y/N. You make me crazy" "what?" "I love you y/n" "Conrad don't say things you don't mean" "I do mean it" "You're at a sensitive time in your life your mom has cancer a-and". He cuts me off grabbing my face and slamming his lips into mine. This kiss is different than any other kiss we've shared it's full of passion but most of all love. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes and whispers "Y/n i've loved you since we were 9 years old. Every memory every moment. You. It's always been you". I smile up at him happy tears filling my eyes. "I get it if you don't feel the same. I know i've fucked up and" "I love you too" I interrupt. He smiles big "Really?" "yes". He brushes hair out of my face and kisses me again. Conrad Fisher the man of my dreams the one I've been drooling over since 4th grade confessed his love for me and I did too. Everything was as it should be. Good. As we pull apart he pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head sweetly. "I have a confession to make" he says chuckling. I turn my head to look up at him "I've never actually said that to anyone before" "me either" I say. "I meant it. Every word" I smile "I love you y/n" "I love you Conrad". "That took a turn huh?" he says jokingly "same old Conrad" I say playfully hitting his shoulder. "We can thank Jere for that. He' the one who told me to get my shit together" he smiles "yea he told me" . "Did he really punch you?" "yeahh" "oh my god" I laugh. "He can throw an upper cup" he says laughing. We both decide to head to bed and he wanted to sleep in my room with me. Holding me close occasionally playing with my hair before we fall asleep. The next morning I wake up wrapped in Conrads arms feeling his faint breathing on my neck. I decide to just lay there and enjoy the moment before he wakes up. The sun is up and the birds are chirping. Life was good. Conrad must have sensed that I was awake "Good morning" he says in his sexy morning voice kissing my neck "How did you know I was awake" "because you always wake up as soon as the sun rises". It was true I could never sleep when there was light outside. Mom always said I woke when the sun did. "How'd you sleep?" he asks pulling me closer "good, you?" " amazing got the girl I love next to me. Doesn't get much better than this" "If this is your idea of perfection I suggest aiming higher" I tease. "Shhh just let me hold you" I melt and oblige. We lay there for a few more minutes savoring the presence of one another before getting up. Conrad leaves before anyone sees us together and I get ready for the day and head down for breakfast. "Good morning angel" Susannah chirps happily "Good morning" I say happily. "Someone's in a good mood" Mom says "I'm always in a good mood" "No your not! The other day you called me a hairless rat because I ate the last bagel" Steven says "Shut up Steven they were the raisin ones Mom bought for me" "It was you that ate the last one!" Jere says. We all laugh. Conrad comes downstairs happily opening the pantry and says "who ate the last bagel?" we all burst into laughter. "What?" he asks confused. "Why is everyone so happy?" Mom asks "what we can't be happy on vacation with the best family in the world" Conrad says "No well I mean yea but why are two of the moodiest kids I know all of the sudden in a good mood" Jere and Steven look at me and Steven mouths "did you two?" "what? no" "just asking". We all eat breakfast and talk about our plans for the day. Jere and Steven are going fishing, Conrad sailing, and I'm just gonna hangout at the house with the moms. All the boys head out for their activities so its just me, Mom, and Susannah.

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