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Conrad picks me up and takes me into my bedroom. He sets me down on the bed still in my towel. "Where your underwear drawer" "Top left" he opens the drawers and his mouth goes agape. He pulls out some of the sluttiest underwear I own. "What are these" he says pulling out a white thong with a bow on the front. I smile and shrug. Taylor had gone through my underwear drawer a while back and threw away all my underwear and bought me new ones. She said I'd never get laid in my granny panties. I chuckle to myself thinking about it. Taylor was truly the best friend I could ask for. He tosses me the pair or panties and says "You're wearing these" "what I can't wear that!" "why not?" he asks "because.." "exactly put em on chop chop" he says smiling. I put them on and he grabs me a big t shirt from my dresser. "That aught a do it" he says clearly proud of himself. "You're lucky your cute" I say "What can I say mama makes em pretty" he says jokingly. "Someone's conceited" I say teasingly "yea yea. Im gonna get you some water and something to eat" "you don't have to do that" "yes I do baby I wanna take care of you" I blush at the nickname and he notices and kisses me "i'll be right back" before heading down to the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle of water and some fruit. To be exact pineapple. Ironic. "Thank you" "mhm" "eat up" he says grinning "thank you chef" I say and we laugh. "Thank you" "for what?" I ask "for giving me another chance I promise I'll do better this time. I can't promise I'll be perfect but I'm gonna try" I smile "I see great potential in you Conrad Fisher" I eat some fruit and drink some water and he asks me a million times if i'm okay. "Are you sure your okay?" "Yes Conrad" I laugh "i'm just a little sore" "I'm sorry again I was so focused on me that I forgot it about you" "Its okay and if you bring it up again i'm gonna cut you off" "Yes ma'am" he says saluting in a silly way. "I'm gonna head to bed, need anything" "i'm okay thank you" " Goodnight y/n" "Goodnight Conrad". He leaves and I fall asleep. The next morning I wake up well rested and I get up to do my morning routine and my legs are so sore. I'm struggling to walk but I get ready for the day. When I'm getting dressed I notice 5 bruises and my hip exactly where Conrads fingers was. My fingers graze over them and I wince. I get dressed and soon forget about it. I head down stairs to eat breakfast being careful not to fall. "Good morning sunshine" mom says "Good morning everyone" "Morning" Jere says, "Good morning honey how'd you sleep?" Susannah asks and Conrad almost chokes on his water "Fine" I say plainly. "Want some pancakes?" she asks handing me a plate "yess thank you" I sit down next to Jere and start eating. "Long night?" Jere asks clearly knowing what happened due to my struggle walking and I glare at him. Thank god no one else noticed and if they did no one said anything which I was grateful for. "Hey mom is it cool if me and the boys go to a bonfire tonight?" "If it's okay with beck it's fine with me. Mom always called Susannah beck since it was her maiden name and she never did like her sorry ass husband Adam. "That's fine with me as long as your back at a reasonable hour" "And you have to take you sister" mom chimes in "What! No mom please I beg of you." Steven says "End of discussion". "Fine" Steven says "You better not embarrass me" "please if anything you better not embarrass me" "whatever ". Steven was the typical brother a pain in my ass and extremely overprotective. He's been that way since my dad went to prison. When my dad went to prison Mom told Steven that he was now the man of the house and that he should look out for me and I guess he took it too seriously. Once we got done eating I helped Susannah clean up while the boys played football outside. "So i've noticed you and Jeremiah getting awfully close" Susannah says prying in that motherly way. "What. Oh no were just friends" "you know that's exactly what I told everyone when me and Adam started getting close" she says . He's always away on a business trip or at some meeting. For as long as I can remember my dad and Adam were always gone that's why I could relate to the boys so much because we had that in common. An absent dad. "seriously susannah nothing is going on between me and Jeremiah" "Okay if you say so" she says like she doesn't believe me. We finish up and Susannah goes to walk into the living room but stops trying to catch her breath. "Are you alright" I ask worried "I'm fine honey just a little lightheaded" "Here sit down I'll get you some water" "I'm okay really". My heart breaks knowing whats really going on. The cancer was doing this to her and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I handed her a water and some crackers and almost fall "Here this should help" "Thank you" shes says grateful for my effort but curious "Hey hun" "yea I say from the kitchen "Whats wrong with your legs" I panic and think of the best excuse off the top of my head "Leg spasms I've been having them all morning" "oh darn aren't those the worst I used to get those back in the day but only for the wrong reason" she laughs oblivious to why I'm struggling to even stand. Conrad did me dirty I think to myself. I go up to my room to catch up on some reading. I put on my glasses and pull my hair up into a loose ponytail. I get through a few chapter before I hear screaming and I get up and stumble my way down stairs. "Whats wrong!" low and behold its Steven screaming like a little girl "THERES A SPIDER" Steven says standing on the couch I can't help but let out my laughter and so does Jere. "your such a wimp" I say "shut up. SOMEBODY KILL IT" "relax dude its a baby" Jere says "YEAH AND WHERE THERE A BABY THE A MAMA! KILL IT!" "Oh my god your both fucking babies". I walk over to the kitchen grabbing a cup to catch it in. I put the cup on the wall where the spider is and it falls in and I walk outside and let it go. "phew we could have died" Steven says "bro you should go find it and let it bite you so you can become Spiderman" "Oh my god your right! Lets go!" and they run outside. "Idiots" I say. "What was all that about?" Conrad asks rounding a corner " Steven was scared of a spider" "No way he shoulda let it bite him so he could become Spiderman" "Oh no not you too!" "I'm just kidding he would make an awful spider man". I smile "Hi" hey says "Hi" I say "You look cute with glasses" he says smiling as he leans down to kiss me. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I hear Steven say. Oh. My. God.

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