Jeremiah Fishers pov

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Jeremiah left in a hurry and i'm a mess. I don't know what to do I feel like i'm making this worse. Knowing Jere I know he wouldn't let Conrad get away with what he's done because that's just who he is he's always been protective of me no matter what. Conrad has been acting weird all summer he's been distant, quiet, and has been lashing out. I know he had been going through a breakup but the old Conrad I knew would never let something like that mess him up so bad. He's also been really stressed out about college and his mom. His mom had cancer a couple years back but beat it so now he just wants to please her and make her happy which I understand but there has to be something more.

Jeres pov:

I left the house and went to the bar where I knew Conrad would be because he always comes here when things go south. How could he do something like this to y/n? Even though y/n used me to get over him I wouldn't let him or anyone for that matter hurt her. Even though she hurt me she was still my best friend and i'll do anything to protect her even if it's from my own brother. I get in my jeep and drive down to the bar and get out before running inside and I see him sitting at the bar drunk out of his mind. "What the hell dude!" I say gaining his attention "what?" he says slurring his words. "How could you do that to y/n" he shrugs clearly drunk out of his mind "She's been crying since she got home" "I don't know what to tell you dude it was a mistake" I punch him in the face sobering him up I shake the pain off my hand "What the fuck bro" he says as he stands up "You need to get your shit together and stop letting whatever bullshit you got going on mess up whatever chance you have with y/n" I say."Why are you doing this?" "Im not doing anything" "You've changed Conrad and it's affecting everyone not just you!" I yell. Conrad remains silent "I'm sorry I .." "this isn't you dude" "I know" he says defeated "Come on were leaving" I say dragging him to the car "Why are you helping me?" he asks "Because even though your a pain in the ass your still my brother and if there's any chance of getting the old Conrad back I'll do it and y/n seems to be the only person who can get through to you". "I can't talk to her" "Why not" "because I know I fucked up and what if she doesn't want to see me" "Well that's not my problem is it you got yourself in this mess you get yourself out" Conrad sighs staring out the window as we head home. Once we get home I take him upstairs to his room before anyone sees him. He passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. The best thing to sober him up is to let him sleep it off then fix this shit when he's not a drunken mess. My mom and laurel have been off to the book store all day selling laurels new book. Laurel is an incredibly talented writer I just wish she would see her work the way we do.

I left Conrad to sleep it off and went to look for y/n the best thing I could do for her right now is be there for her. Even though neither one of them deserve it I couldn't watch them suffer alone. I search the house but don't see y/n anywhere. Where could she have gone? I start to brainstorm and think to myself theres only one place she could be. Whenever she needs to think she goes to the dock. I've noticed that about her she has little things she does that can always calm her down like late night swimming as well as going to the dock.

I grab some watermelon that was cut up in the fridge because I know its y/n's favorite and make my way to the dock. I reach the dock and see her looking out at the ocean. Her hair flowing in the breeze and I catch a scent of her sweet perfume. "Your not gonna jump are you" I say trying to lighten the mood. She jumps "Oh my god Jere you scared me!" she says slapping my arm "Sorry I brought watermelon your favorite" I say smiling "Thank you Jere" she says grabbing a piece and eating it. She's slightly a stress eater always has been. "You feeling any better" "A little but I think it's just the breeze" we stay silent for a moment before she speaks. "What did you do to Conrad?" she asks "Punched him in the face" "What!" "I know I know but he was drunk and it was the only thing I could think of to sober him up. "Did it work?" "Yea" I say laughing. "Good" she says " he's not the same y/n. Something's really wrong he's not himself" "I know" "I don't know what it is but it's seriously fucking with him. I just wish he would talk to me so I could help him but your the only one he opens up to" "Really?" "yeah" I say defeated. "He's my brother and I love him but what he did to you was fucked up" "yea" "Your the only one he'll listen to and I know you're not obligated to any of this but I need my brother back he's all I got" I says tears pricking my eyes. She sighs "I'll do it" "are you sure you don't have to if you don't want to" "Yes even though he hurt me I want the old Conrad back as much as you do" "Thank you y/n! Oh my god I could kiss you right now" we laugh and talk for a while and eat the rest of the watermelon before going in for dinner.

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