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Everyone had left so it was just me, mom and susannah in the house for the afternoon so we decided to have a little girls day. We did makeup and hair and were now doing nails. I picked a white polish because obviously white goes with every thing. We were chatting about things like school, plans for college, and then the topic of boys came up. "So any boys?" Susannah asked "what?" "you know any special guy" I laugh and shake my head. " I'm not talking about this" "oh so there is one" mom chimes in. "You know laurel I have noticed her hanging out with the boys a lot more than usual" "I noticed that" mom says. "Mom!" "so which one is it?" "I always hoped she would end up with one of them. There's no one else I'd rather lose one of my boys to" "can we drop this please?" i beg slightly uncomfortable with the topic. "Fine" "Fine but personally I vote Jere" "Mom!" "okay okay i'm done". We move on and start talking about random things until we get hungry and decide to make something to eat. I go to the kitchen to cook up some chicken kabobs with assorted veggies. Mom and Susannah are outside on the bench at the dock smoking pot so it's just me in the kitchen. They don't know I know they smoke pot but it's kinda obvious when they are giggling like little girls at how cute we are. I play some music singing and dancing along as I cook. I never knew how to cook but my grandma had been teaching me and gave me some cook books. I have to say progress was definitely made. I was dancing around like a fool while the food was cooking and didn't notice Jere had come home. Jere was at the edge of the kitchen watching me. "Having fun?" he asks scaring the hell out of me. I jump and turn around grabbing a knife just incase it was a serial killer. "Whoa it's just me" he says throwing his hands in the air dramatically. I drop the knife "Jesus Jere you scared me" "sorry. Something smells good" he says walking over to see what I was making. "Wheres Steven?" "oh yea he decided to stay a little longer, said fish bite more when you're alone" "of course he did" " to be honest I think that wa shim telling me to get the fuck out nicely" "sounds about right" "I didn't know you could cook" " I've changed a lot since the last time I was here" "I've noticed" he says pointing at my boobs. I swat his hand away "you're a perv" "am not" "are too" "the ladies call me a pimp" "gross". I never had boobs growing up and it wasn't til senior year that they decided to show. It was always one of my biggest insecurities but now that I had them I've never felt more confident. "Your rack finally decided to join the party" jere says laughing "You're an animal". "It's kinda quiet in here. Alexa play lipgloss by Lil Mama" "Oh noo" I say as Jere drags me to the middle of the kitchen. "Come on y/n don't be such a hard ass" "I am not a hard ass" "prove it" I sigh "fine but don't get all butt hurt when I show your ass up" "highly doubt that will happen" "okay". we start dancing as the music plays at full volume. I've been to many parties with Taylor and picked up a few things on the way. I dance around swaying my hips, hands flying in the air, flipping my hair. Not gonna lie I was eating it up. "Damnn girl I didn't know it moved like that" he says in his flirty way coming up to me grabbing my hands as we dance together shimmying back and forth laughing. I forgot how much I loved to dance I was never really any good at it . The song ends and we are breathing heavily from all the moving around. "Phew that really gets your heart rate up" "yea" he says trying to catch his breath. "Oh shit the food!" I run over to the stove to check on the food and realize I burnt some of it. "Fuck!" I say turning off the oven. I pull out the food and the smoke detectors go off. I grab a rag waving it in front of the smoke detector but have no luck since the ceiling are high and i'm not exactly in reaching distance. "Jere takes the rag from my hands and does the same thing but this time it turns off. He sets the rag down on the counter and we realize how close we are. We stare into each others eyes for a moment before I look away and he does to clearing his throat. "So whens the food gonna be ready" we have a laugh and I salvage what food isn't burnt. Luckily for me I always cook way to much anyway so not much damage was done. By this time everyone had come home and was inside. "Mom! I'm hungry" Steven calls across the house "your sister made dinner" " oh no i'm not eating that she probably poisoned it" "I only poisoned your portion eat up" I say handing him a plate. We all sat down to eat dinner and it was nice to have us all together well except for Steven. "This is amazing y/n. Where did you learn to cook?" "hey i'm right here" mom says sarcastically "oh honey we all know you don't cook" and we all laugh. "Actually grandmas been teaching me" "your grandma rose is a peach!" Susannah says. We all chat about our days and finish eating. Everyone puts their dishes in the sink and head off to do their own thing. Me being me I do all the dishes and straighten up the kitchen. I'm wiping down the counters when I hear Conrad come in. "You don't have to do that the cleaners will do it" "oh I don't mind" "If I would have known you could cook I would have made you mine a long time ago" he jokes and I blush. "Since you made dinner how about I give you desert".

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