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I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face I had just lost my virginity to Conrad fucking fisher the guy i've had a crush on since I was 9 years old. I turn over to see an empty bed. Wtf... I get up and get dressed then head downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning" susannah says grinning ear to ear. "Good morning" I say "Has anyone seen Conrad?" I asked "Nope he's been gone all morning" jere tunes in. At this point i'm pissed how could he take my virginity then just leave without telling anyone where he was going. Im pissed off so I call my best friend Taylor. "Hey bitch wassup" she says as soon as she picks up "Taylor I think I fucked up" "What happened" "Me and Conrad hooked up last night and now he's gone and no one has seen him all morning" "YOU DID WHAT? YOU AND CONRAD HAD HOOKED UP?" "You know like the guy you've been drooling over since 4th grade? That one?" "Yea it just kinda happened" "OMG" "Taylor that's not the point he's gone" "Well what are you gonna do?" "I don't know but I need answers how could he just leave" "You have to go find him!" "How?" her eyes light up "I have an idea" "Oh nu nu no I can't ask him" "Well do you have a better idea" I sigh "No" "Well if you want those answers you have to talk to jere" "Ugh fine" "Good now put on a cute ass outfit and make him beg for mercy" "Thanks Taylor" I laugh "Your welcome gotta go my package is here. Love You!!" "Love you too". Taylor hangs up and I have to do something I really don't want to, talk to Jeremiah. Me and Jere had a thing for a little while this summer nothing serious just flirting and make out sessions you know typical teen stuff. Who am I kidding I know I fucked up and this would hurt him but I had to. So I head off to find him and of course he was outside by the pool legs hanging in the water. "Hey" I say shyly "Hey" he says barely looking at me. "Look i'm sorry about everything I shouldn't have used you to get over Conrad" "No you shouldn't have it not right y/n!" "I know" "Do you know how long i've felt this way and it's always been him I don't get it what does he have that I don't?". I sigh "I don't know" " I'm so sorry jere I never meant to hurt you is there anyway you could ever forgive me I need my best friend back" i say half smiling at him "Yea how could I ever say no to that face" he smiles back nudging my shoulder. " So are we good" "Were good" "Good because I need your help" "He's at the bar" "WHAT!" I say in a panic "thank you jere for everything" "of course now hurry!!" he says. I get on my bike and peddle as fast as I can and soon reach the bar. I run inside and begin my search for him. I come around a corner and see him making out with some random chic. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I yell pulling him out of the bar by his arm as he stumbles. "Let me go what are you even doing here" "Your drunk" "I'm not drunk. Why are you here?" I came looking for you" "Well you found me" he says with an attitude "Why did you leave and why are you drinking?"I ask "I had to y/n" "why" "because we can't do this last night was a mistake" "what.." "It was a mistake now leave!" "so that's it you take my virginity then toss me to the side typical. Why did I think you were different" "look I never meant for any of this to happen I wasn't in the right state of mind and you were there"  I scoff. "I trusted you Conrad! How could you be so selfish!" I turn walking away at a fast pace "Y/N!" he yells  "Save it Conrad. I'm done" and I get on my bike and leave. I start to sob on my way back to the house. I run inside making a b line for my room. Jere sees me and tries to stop me but I keep running and slam the door. I slide down on the door tears streaming down my face. "How could I be so stupid?" I say to myself not knowing Jeres right outside my door. "Y/n? are you okay?" "i'm fine Jere go away" "Just talk to me whats going on" I'm sobbing uncontrollably on my bedroom floor. I don't answer so he says if you don't open this door i'm breaking the door down. I hesitantly unlock the door and he rushes in seeing me on the floor and comes over and just holds me as I sob. "What's wrong?" "I feel so stupid I thought he felt the same way I did especially after last night" "What do you mean last night?" "We hooked up" "What!" " I know I know i'm sorry I just thought.." "Its okay y/n" I cry harder tears soaking his t-shirt. "y/n what did he do?" "He left me this morning without a trace and when I went to the bar he said it was a mistake and that I was just there" I say " that piece of shit" Jere says angrily getting up. "Where are you going?" I ask "To give that asshole a piece of my mind" "please don't do anything stupid Jere" "To late" and he leaves.

The summer I turned prettyWhere stories live. Discover now