The fight

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We pull apart and we turn to look at him. "So this is what you've been doing all summer? Sneaking around and going behind my back to screw my sister!" "Look Steven chill out dude" "I didn't say anything when you hooked up with Taylor behind y/n's back" "You did what!" I say. "uhh" "Steven did you hook up with Taylor? My best friend!" he looks down. "Answer me!" "okay yea I did " "When?" I ask "When she came down for that weekend but I swear it was a one time thing" "It better be" I say sternly. I'm pissed off at Taylor for hooking up with my brother how could she do something like this to me. "If you stick your nose in my business again" I say "I'll tell Shayla". Shayla was the girl he liked and I know it would devastate him if she ever found out because it would ruin everything . "Okay okay just don't do stuff around me" he fake gags. He looks over at Conrad and says "If you hurt her i'll make you wish you were never born" he says protectively. "Go!" I say and he leaves. " Why didn't you tell me Steven and Taylor hooked up?" "I don't know I didn't think it was my place" I sigh knowing he's right. "Hey how about this we forget all this drama and start fresh. Sound good?" "yea i'd like that" he pulls me in hugging me his tall figure towering over mine. I felt safe like the world could catch fire and it would never touch me. Conrad had a gentle touch one that could make you melt and fall under his spell. His eyes bore into mine like deep blue oceans and I'm home. "Soo are you excited about tonight" "huh" I say distracted "The bonfire" "oh yea yea totally" "Good it's a tradition for locals" "It's not like a sadist ritual is it?" he laughs "no but we do drink beer and sing koombyah" I laugh at his remark. We chat for a little bit before going our separate ways. I head back up to my room to get ready for the bonfire. I do light makeup and get dressed into a  short black dress that just barely covers my ass. I go  back downstairs to meet the boys to leave. "Damnnn. you.!" Jere says in his flirty way twirling me around. Jere flirts with everyone so it's no surprise. Out of the corner of my eye I see Conrad glaring at him. Is Conrad jealous? No he doesn't get jealous come on it's Conrad we're talking about he doesn't give a shit about anything. "No way your wearing that. Go change" my brother says. "No i'm wearing it" "No your not!" "relax dude it's just a party with all the locals" Jere says and Steven backs off. Conrad hasn't said anything and we head out to the car before taking off. Jeres in the driver seat, Steven in the passenger seat, and me and Conrad in the back. Jere plays his awful music on the aux and I sing along. I get a notification on my phone and I got to check it. Its from Conrad : You have no idea what your doing to me. I look over and smirk. I knew this dress would get him. We pull up to the beach and all get out and head down to the bonfire. There are a lot more people here than I thought there were.  My anxiety is through the roof so I decide to get a drink. Once i'm at the drink table some guy comes up to me. "Hi" "Hi" I say questionably "Whats your name?" "y/n" "y/n nice to meet you y/n, I'm Brooks" "Nice to meet you too Brooks" I say walking away. "wait" he says "I wanna show you something" he says dragging me away from the crowd. "Let go" I say pulling out of his grip "aw come on baby let me show you a good time". This catches Conrads attention and he comes to my aid. "What's going on?" he asks me "Nothing this asshole was just leaving" I say and the guy catches an attitude. "Oh this is your bitch you can have her she's no fun anyway" "what did you just say?" Conrad says towering over this guy. "She's asking for it dressing like a whore" Conrad doesn't take this lightly and punches the guy in the face. I screech and step back. They start fighting and Conrad is beating the hell out of this guy. Jere and Steven run over once a crowd builds around the scene. Conrad is on top of this guy punching him repeatedly making the guys nose bleed. Brooks has given up fighting but Conrad is still going at it. I stare in horror as Conrad beats the guy senselessly it's like he's lost control. Jere and Steven pull him off the guy and Brooks's friends help him up all leaving the party. "Conrad what the hell" Steven says "He was messing with y/n?" he says his knuckles dripping blood. They all look over at me shaking. "Y/n i'm sorry" Conrad says but tears are pricking my eyes threatening to fall at any moment. "Thank you for looking out for her" Steven says and Conrad nods. Jere comes over to me "y/n are you okay" "yea i'm fine" I say wiping a single tear off my face faking a smile. I've always been sensitive to this kinda thing men objectifying me but what really got me was Conrad beating that guy when he was ready down and had given up. If the boys wouldn't have pulled him off who knows how far he would have gone. "Can we go home?" I ask and Jere wrap his arm around me nods and we all walk to the car. Jere and me sit up front and Steven and Conrad in the back. We arrive home and we all go inside it wasn't too late so Mom and Susannah were still up watching TV. "Hey guy your home early. How was the bonfire?" Susannah says getting up to greet us. She takes one look at us and knows somethings up. She sees Conrads bleeding knuckles and panics " Oh my god what happened!" "Nothing Mom i'm fine" "Did you get in a fight? Conrad what have I told you about that" "I know I'm sorry but some creep was messing with y/n" "I see, well here let me get that all cleaned up for you" " I got it Mom" and he walks away. My mom rushes over to me " Oh honey are you alright he didn't do anything to you did he?" "No Conrad stopped him" "you know your very lucky to have these boys who care enough about you to put themselves in harms way to protect you" "I know". "Well do you guys wanna watch a movie we got popcorn" Mom asks "I do!" Jere says and Steven agrees. He was never one to turn down a movie and popcorn. Jere and Steven settle on the couch to watch a movie but i'm just ready for bed. All this shit really drained me. "Actually Mom I think I'm gonna head up to bed" "Okay sweetie. Need to be tucked in" "Mom!" "okay okay good night angel sleep tight" Mom says kissing me on the forehead "Night boys" "Night" they say in unison entranced in the TV. "Goodnight y/n try not to worry about it to much okay" Susannah says seeing the worry in my face. "Okay" I say giving her a small smile heading upstairs for bed

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