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We head back inside for dinner and Jere makes me the best pasta and chicken. He's always been an amazing cook I guess he gets it from susannah. We eat and chat a little before Conrad comes down clearly hungover. Me and Jere watch him intently as he walks into the kitchen. "Look who's awake" Jere says. Conrad gives a small smile grabbing some fruit out of the fridge eating it. "Hey y/n can I talk to you?" He asks. I look over at Jeremiah who gives me a reassuring nod and I agree. "Alone?" he asks looking at Jere "Are you gonna be okay?" Jere asks "I'll be fine" and he leaves. Leaving me and Conrad alone in the kitchen. "Look I know I fucked up what I did was wrong on so many levels" "Yea it was" "I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you" "Well you did" "I know and I hate myself for it" "Its fine Conrad I should have known better" "No don't do that I fucked up not you okay" "You said it was a mistake" my voice betraying me. "I didn't mean it I don't know why I said it I guess I was protecting you" "FROM WHAT!" "FROM ME!". I flinch "I don't need your protecting I can take care of myself" "I know and that's what I love about you, but i'm not good for you" "why do you get to decide that before even giving it a chance?" "because I need you around. I don't wanna fuck things up for good and you leave" "Connie... what's going on with you?" "I can't..". I pull him towards me hugging him tightly and he cries. I've never seen him cry before he's always been so strong even when he broke his arm he wouldn't tell anyone because he didn't want to be a bother. Where is that sweet, kind Conrad I once knew. "My mom.." he says "h-her cancer's back" "what.. does Jere know?" "No you can't tell him this will ruin everything" he cries his sobs pull at my heart strings. I start to cry holding him tight. "How long have you known?" "since March" "Oh my god" I sob. "I wish you would have told me so you didn't have to go through it alone" "I couldn't I almost did a couple times. I didn't want to ruin your summer" "Hey look at me" I say taking his face in my hands "You don't have to go through this alone. Not anymore" he nods. I wipe my tears away " I'm sorry for everything y/n I panicked and didn't know what to do" "your going through a lot right now you just need someone to talk to, I want to be there for you if you'll let me" he nods "thank you y/n" "always". We turn when we hear Jeres voice "her cancers back?" "i'm sorry Jere" Conrad says "WHY DIDN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME!" Jere yells "I didn't want to upset you" " DON'T YOU THINK I SHOULD KNOW IF MY MOM HAS CANCER!" "yes I'm sorry" "FUCK!" Jere says running out of the house and I chase after him. "JERE WAIT!" "I CAN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW   Y/N I CANT" "Jere please" "I'll be back before dark" he says looking down and he gets in his car and drives away leaving me standing in the driveway hands in my hair. Fuck this was bad. My mom and susannah came home later that evening and Jere came home shortly after. Mom and susannah made cookies and played a movie and we all settled down on the couch Jere snuggled up with his mom she didn't know why he was being so loving but she loved spending time with her boys. Mom was sitting in the chair next to the couch and me and Conrad were on the other end of the couch sharing popcorn. During the movie I could see Conrad staring at me when I wasn't looking. Which made me slightly nervous. Mom went up to bed and so did Steven. Susannah and Jere fell asleep on the couch so me and Conrad were the only ones awake. We continued to watch the movie and I felt Conrads hand on my thigh drawing patterns absentmindedly. Making my breath hitch but I continued to watch the movie. He leaned over and whispered in my ear "your heart is racing" "I know" "I want you so bad y/n" "Conrad.. I don't think now is the best time for something like this you're going through a lot. I don't want to take advantage of that" "you're not I swear right now the only thing I need is you" "I don't want you to need me. I want you to want me" "I do want you" he says staring into my eyes "Do you feel the same way?" he asks "I-I" I'm at a loss of words. "If you don't tell me I'm gonna have to find out for myself" he says moving his hand up higher. "Please" I say hating myself for being so desperate. "Please what baby?" "I need you" "Where?" I blush not wanting to say it. "You're so cute when your flustered" he says making me wet. "You're such an ass" I say smiling. "Oh yea?" he says grinning "yea". "Okay I'll show you what asshole looks like" he smirks. "suree you are " I say teasing "wanna find out?" "maybe" "okay well let me show you" he takes my hand placing it on top of his crotch which is rock fucking hard. Oh. My. God. I'm gonna regret this but I get up taking his hand in mine dragging him to my room.

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