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"You are so perfect!" they said at the same time, looking into the depth of each other's eyes.

Recognition as this rarely happens.

Their hands reached for each other's lips, their breath ceasing for a moment at contact, chemical waves rippling within the confines of their bodies.

They lowered their hands to the chest, staying for a while, feeling their hearts playing bass rhythm, a pleasant dizziness overpowering their senses.

As their hands descended, the air became denser, their blood boiled, their vision blurred.

They approached skin to skin distance, their mouths melting in each other's.

"I'm your mirror" one said.

"I'm your reflection" the other replied.

Author's note: Dear reader, this short piece makes more sense if you've checked the external link in "Narcissus Project". ❤️


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Mind the Gap (by Noor Lung) EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now