Prometheus' children

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In a non registered dimension, in a room whose walls are covered by windows from floor to ceiling, they sit in a circle formation, their bodies reclined on gel chairs, their eyes closed and their attention focused on the indicators they see in their inner display. Each one is responsible to monitor an area.
This is their log for the last century:

19th August 1936
"FGL is down".

30th January 1948
"MG is down".

6th July 1968
"RFK is down".

8th August 1980
"JL is down".

26th December 1985
"DF is down".

2nd June 1987
"AM is down".

5th October 2011
"SJ is down".

As every time they lose someone, they become very still and solemn for a minute and then, repeat in unison their motto:

"We are Prometheus' children. We carry his legacy and fight endlessly. Our mission is larger than our lives and can't be stopped by death".

Author's note: photography by Craig Bisacre

Dear reader, you may need to do a bit of research to understand this one well. Then, you can do your own list of fire bearers. 


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