The Interview

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I enter Ozpin's office where he smiles.

Ozpin: "Y/N, a pleasure to see you."

Y/N: "Hey Uncle Ozpin."

Ozpin: "You here to apply for Beacon?"

Y/N: "You know it."

Ozpin: "Normally I wouldn't allow someone under seventeen to enter. But knowing you I'll gladly make an exception. But know that you'll still have to do the standard interview."

Y/N: "I understand."

I take a seat in front of his desk.

Ozpin: "Let's begin. What made you pick Beacon?"

Y/N: "I heard good things about it. And I'll admit I always had my eye on it."

Ozpin: "What skills do you bring to Beacon?"

Y/N: "I'm really strong. I mean like really strong. I've also got some awesome abilities. I'm quick on my feet and I can hit really hard."

Beacon: "Interesting. What're your plans for after Beacon?"

Y/N: "I plan to use my skills to help the people in need."

Ozpin: "An admirable goal. Last question. Why do you think you deserve to attend Beacon?"

I pause thinking.

Y/N: "From the time I was younger I never really fit in anywhere. But then one day I heard about Beacon. How it raised some of the best Huntsmen of all time. So I hope that attending here will help me create a place in this world that I can belong."

Ozpin: "That concludes the interview. It'll be some time before I reach a decision. But I'm sure you're aware what my answer will already be."

Y/N: "I have a good idea."

Ozpin: "I'll fill out the proper paperwork. Till then just relax and enjoy yourself."

Y/N: "Oh believe me, I will."

I stand up bowing.

Y/N: "Thank you uncle Ozpin."

Ozpin: "No worries kiddo. Just happy to help you out."

I make my way back home where I see mom sitting on the couch watching a movie.

Glynda: "How'd it go?"

Y/N: "Very good. Ozpin said he'll take care of everything."

Glynda: "That's great. Say why don't we go out and celebrate?"

Y/N: "That sounds nice."

Glynda: "We'll leave around five."

*that night*

I get ready when I hear a police siren. Looking out my window I see cops heading to a massive fire in downtown. I creep to mom's bedroom to hear water running.

Y/N: "She's showering, good. That gives about half an hour."

I throw on my makeshift costume and leap out my window. Hitting a building I run up it. When I reach the ledge I jump with all my might. This flings me into the distance towards the smoke cloud. I land on a rooftop adjacent to the fire. 

Y/N: "This fire's more out of control than I thought."

I look at the street to see that not even the firefighters are able to get close.

Voice: "Help us!"

Y/N: "There's people in there. But no one can get close. Looks like it's my time to shine."

To protect myself I throw my hood up while pulling up my gaiter to prevent smoke inhalation. Finally I lower a pair of darked out goggles to shield my eyes. Now prepped I leap through a window entering the burning building. 

Voice: "Help us!"

Y/N: "Hold on!"

I carefully make my way through the growing blaze. As I enter what I guess would be the main area I hear banging from behind a door.

Y/N: "Anyone in there!?"

Woman: "Yes! My husband and I are stuck!!!"

Y/N: "Hold tight and I'll save you!!"

I reach for the doorknob. But the second I touch it my hand is scorched. I yelp pulling my hand away.

Y/N: "Dang that hurt."

I look to see some slight burns on my hand.

Woman: "Please save us!!"

Y/N: "I will, just give me a second!" *to self* "Door's too hot to touch. Meaning I'm gonna need to break it down."

I shout loudly.

Y/N: "Step away from the door!"

I shoot two strands of web. I then slowly back up creating more and more tension. When my back hits the wall I pick my feet up. This launches me at the door with enough force to completely smack it off its hinges.

Y/N: "Let's get you guys out of here."

I throw them over my shoulders and carry them out of the building.

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