Port's Class

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Near sunrise I crawl into my window. Now in my room I lower my hood and mask. I sigh stripping to my underwear.

Y/N: "That stand off took way too long. Thought he'd never surrender."

I fall face first onto my bed. The second my eyes close my clock blares the alarm.

Alarm: "Wake up wake up! Time for school!"

I cover my ears with my pillow. 

Y/N: "Just five more minutes."

I groan when there's a knock on my door.

Y/N: "Let me sleep!"

Ruby: "Y/N, it's me Ruby. I just came by to wake you up. Class starts in ten minutes."

I sigh.

Y/N: "I'll be right there."

I hear her walk away. 

Alarm: "Wake up wake up! Time for-"

I chuck my alarm shattering it against the wall. I smile drifting off to sleep.

Glynda: "Y/N, time to get up."

Y/N: "Oh good grief!!!!"

I emit a long yawn. When I get done I struggle to keep my head up.

Ruby: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Just had some trouble going to sleep."

Yang: "You know warm milk is credited with sleeping well."

Y/N: "I prefer my milk cold."

Port: "Morning class. My name's Port and I shall be teaching you everything you need to know about Grimm."

He writes some stuff on the board. He then turns back around and begins the lesson. The second he starts speaking I find it next to impossible to stay awake. His voice is at just the right tone to lull you to sleep.

Port: "The Grimm are known by many names. But to me they'll always be nothing but prey. You too shall call them this upon your graduation. Now as you know Vale is among the four kingdoms that offer us a safe space in this Grimm infested world. But have no fear, that's what we Huntsmen and Huntresses are here for."

He winks at a random student.

Port: "These're individuals who've sworn their lives to protect those that can't protect themselves. That's why you're here. To join this cause. But before we get into all that I'd like to share with you all a story. When I was just a boy..."

I lay my head down. Sleep begins to consume me when I hear Port's voice.

Port: "Y/N. Since you find it appropriate to nap during class, you'll provide us a live demonstration. Come on down."

I head down to him. He takes his place next to a cage with a pair of red eyes in it.

Port: "Ready?"

Y/N: "I guess."

Port: "Begin!"

He shoots the lock to the cage. A Borbatusk comes rushing out towards me. Its tusks try to gore me but I easily dodge it. I grab the tusk and swing the entire Borbatusk around. Letting it go I send it crashing into the cage. Getting back to its feet it snorts rolling as a ball towards me. I plant my feet holding out my hands. When the Borbatusk gets close it collides into my hands. Its momentum comes to a dead stop.  

Ruby: "Its belly! There ain't-"

Weiss: "Hush, he's trynna concentrate!"

I slightly narrow my eyes. I then deliver a good right hook to the Borbatusk's ribs. A crack is heard as the Borbatusk wheezes. Its body then bursts into dust. 

Port: "Great work. That's all the time we have. Remember to stay alert and watch your blind spots."

We exit the classroom. I then stop Weiss.

Weiss: "You need something."

Y/N: "Look, I'm normally not one to tell people what to do. But you need to treat Ruby a little bit nicer. She was only offering me advice. That to me is what being a good leader is. Giving their teammates info that helps them win their fights."

She looks down taking in my words.

Weiss: "You're right. I've been too hard on her. From now on I'm gonna do what I can to help her since she'd do the same. Thanks Y/N."

Y/N: "No worries."

We part ways. That night when I know everyone's asleep I once again sneak out to Vale.

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