Frisk...I'm sorry.

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(!!! Frisk is going to get hurt 🤕!!!)

You woke up and looked around your remember what happened and you looked at your body " w-why am I in bandages" you thought. You decided to get up and go check on frisk.

You went and opened your door, it was fixed, you ignored it and went to frisk's room

(Frisk) " y-y/n your ok"

Frisk was on her bed, she gets up and ran towards you and hugged you, you hugged back.

(Minutes later...)

You and frisk are in the living room, you were watching her run around, jumping all over the place. Then she jumped on the couch, slipped and fell back, you ran to catch her...

You didn't reach her in time and her head hit the table, you picked her up and she was confused.


Her head was bleeding a lot.

(Frisk) " s-sis I can't feel my head...but I'm ok, I-I think"

(Y/n) " O-OH GOSH y-your in shock"

Mom came into the living room, she gasped and pushed you out the way and took frisk out of your hands.


She turned and looked at you in anger

(Y/n) " w-what I didn't do anything! Frisk fell!"

She lifted frisk up and went to her room.

(1 hour later...)

You were sitting on the couch waiting to see if frisk is ok, then mom came out the room and went into your room. She came out with a bag.

(Y/n) " mom! Is-"

She threw the bag at you, you caught it


(Y/n) " W-WHY I didn't"

She grabs your arm and drags you to the front door and throws you outside.


She slammed the door and you got up very confused you didn't even know what was going on. " Dad is missing" you thought, you really wish mom loved you but you had to do something so you prayed frisk was ok and started walking and Your arm was bruised, but then realizing that you had to meet ink

(The spot...)

You made it to the spot, but Ink wasn't there so you sat on the ground and enjoyed the sunset view, but you felt something watching you so you turned around and nothing was there, You looked in your bag to take your mind off of it.

(Y/n POV)

I had my phone, phone portable charger, clothes, money, and a knife.

At least mom loved me enough to pack a knife and my phone, thank the heavens.

"Hey y/n~"

I screamed and turned around... "Oh hi ink" I said he went to sit down next to me "sorry heh...y/n you look down are you ok?" Ink said I looked at him and shook my head no then he looked at me worried "what happened" he asked I told him what happened and how frisk got hurt. He looked surprised "w-well I mean you could live with me if you want" ink asked me to live with him, he had a tiny rainbow tint on his face. Really is he going to let me live with him.

(No POV)

You hugged Ink and thanked him the tint on his face got brighter, you guys stayed there for a little bit until ink realized you fell asleep. He thought it was from the stress since he didn't want to bother you he took you with him to a new start, a way better place.

(With Frisk...)

Frisk was on a bed and woke up, then looked around for you, her head was bandaged. She went into the living room and saw mom on the couch

(Frisk) " m-mom where's-"

Mom was crying, she looked at Frisk and hugged her.

(Mom) " that mistake is gone, but don't look at the TV d-dad is very hurt and is never coming back ."

Frisk was sad that you were gone, but was confused about what mom meant so she sneaked a peak at the TV...

That's very traumatic for a 10 year old... Dad was very bloody and had white eyes and multiple stabs with his head bashed open. Very surprising that they showed on the news.

Frisk had wanted to scream but didn't want mom to know, poor Frisk didn't know what to do, but just left to her room...

(The fact this took me a month 🙂
I can't believe it... I need to focus on this more because I was going to upload this on the 4th then one of my friends called me to play Minecraft.... (╥﹏╥)Sorry)

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