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(Errors dream, you can skip if you want)

You and ink were sitting, in the anti-void next to error...he didn't notice you two at all. He was looking at his show, relaxing..

(Error) "I got all I need to finish this season. The anti-void, delicious stolen food! My loyal puppets. Ink and y/n..."

Error looked over at both of you annoyed..

(Error) "LEAVE. NOW"

Ink looked at error blankly, his eyes were small and white, he wasn't 'feeling' at all..

(Ink) "howzzitgoin' error... Mind if we company you for a little while.. it's been a long day for us.."

Ink looked at you, then at his vials.

(Ink) "I need to empty out these vials pretty soon, so I can carry out my evil plans against error and other stuff, because of the truce error forced me to accept.."

You looked at error, he was ignoring ink, not listening to anything he said. Ink looked at him.

(Ink) "I need to destroy something later, haha.."

(Error) "okay, fine..wha- WAIT WHAT!-"

You and error looked at ink, concerned and worried..

(Ink) "shh, the show is about to start.."

Now you all were watching the show.. apparently someone kidnapped frisk.. error got really into it.

(Error) " *gasp* asgore save your child man!"

Sans and asgore on the show were going to work together and get frisk back..

(Ink) "wow, this is getting interesting.."

(Error) "I know right?! SHUT UP!"

A few seconds.. they found where frisk is.. and it cuts the camera...cross and X-tale Chara had frisk and..they had a mustache.. ink got up and made a portal and took you with him to the AU cross was sans, fell, and blue were there with you and ink..

Everything turned black.. you heard errors voice... he was mad..

(Error) "Don't you dare.."

(Ink) "sorry for bothering you..but break time is over..we have a lot of work to do.."

Ink took the vial that X-tale Gaster's soul was in, (the vial had a lot of cracks..) and held it up towards the TV show asgore and sans, and destroyed everything..

(Skip here..)

(Okay... yadda yadda.. more fighting...other! Get ready to feel saddd)

Ink and you teleported back to outertale after leaving for a bit, your eyes widened when you saw errors strings wrapped around sans, blue and fell's soul's..

(Blue) "ink! C'mon help us!" was were about to go help, when ink held your shoulder.. you looked at ink, mad..

(Error) "you really think I won't turn the multiverse into garbage! Ink, just because of this game!"

(Ink) "it's called the X-Event erro-"

(Error) "I don't give A CRAP WHAT ITS CALLED..I'm going to destroy everything, including your stupid anomaly friends.."

Error smirked, and raised his hand..

(Ink) "..their not my friends.."

You looked at ink, tried to get out of his grip, couldn't.. everyone looked at ink, either mad or sad..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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